
Active Member
Hello fellow RV'lers,

I have been asked to perform a pre-buy inpection on a RV6A (O320). I'm very familiar with the RV 8A models, but not so much with the -6A. Any tips / hints about special issues with the RV6A, that should be considered and looked at during the inpection?

Highly appreciate your input.
Lots of bolts in the wings.

The spars almost touch in the center section and are braced by steel plates on the top and bottom. There should be four of these installed.

Inspection 6A

>Check the nosegear to engine mount bolt
>Brake lines for wear and rubs
>Look for tail tie down and rudder bottom strikes
>Many aircraft are low on brake fluid in the metal brake fluid reservoirs
Pre buy needed for a 6

Is there anyone out in AR that can help me inspect a 2003 RV6
That I left a deposit on.
I am planning on going there 12-13 mar.
>>Look for tail tie down and rudder bottom strikes

I am curious why you think that a strike on the tail tie down is a problem. I scraped mine once early in my 6A's life as I was working on my landing technique (no damage, just a scrape mark on bottom of ring. It seems quite common for guys in the tail dragger models to occasionally hit the tail wheel first. Why would the tie down be any different? I understand looking for damage on the bottom of the rudder.

I recently shipped an RV-6A, and during disassembly for shipping, the very aft-most bulkhead was discovered to be cracked and bent. We could only assume that a previous tail strike on the tail tie down was the cause.

Fabricated a new bulkhead, and instead of permanently mounting a tie down per the original plans, we installed a tie down MOUNT, similar to the wings, so that the tail tie down ring can be removed for flight. That way another tail strike might do less damage.

There was no way to see the damage unless the vertical stabilizer was removed.