
I'm New Here
Hello all,

So this is my first post and I am new to Vans. I just bought my first plane and went with a 1995 RV-6A. While doing my demo flight I noticed the DG was completely dead and the cockpit is all steam gauges. I have an iPad Pro with ForeFlight installed but have very limited experience with it. I am looking for any advice on what to do when it comes to replacing/fixing the DG and exploring a more modern instrument panel on a budget. I have considered some of the Dynon products, but want to get the best use out of my iPad as well and maybe mount it on the panel with an insert if possible to keep it clean and less cramped as I am 6’3. Any help would be much appreciated and I apologize for my lack of knowledge up front. Thanks:)
Garmin G5


One option, considering that you are on a budget, is to replace the dead DG with a Garmin G5 mini EFIS. The G5 will fit into an existing 3 1/8 hole, assuming this is the size of the DG.

The G5 can provide directional information as well as complement and back up the other steam gauges. Later on if/when you decide to upgrade the whole panel you can still keep the G5.

Cost of the G5 is about $1,500 with the mounting bracket, cable and battery option.

I expect that other people will suggest some different options! Good luck with your new plane, I am sure you will enjoy it.
Congratulations on the new bird.
I can't speak to the DG, but I have a single Dynon 10" screen and a 10" iPad connected to Sentry GPS running ForeFlight. I really like the iPad setup.

Lets see a pic of your RV6A.
I am looking for any advice on what to do when it comes to replacing/fixing the DG and exploring a more modern instrument panel on a budget.

The modern day version of a primer question. This will be good.

I agree with PaulvS. Start replacing your DG with one of the 3 1/8 drop in EFIS type displays. You can fly on that while planning a much large panel up grade. The 3 1/8 EFIS is not a wasted purchase as it can become the backup in your larger upgrade to large Dynon type EFIS.

Of coarse I still have mostly steam gages and like it that way. I have added a autopilot with EFIS display to replace my original DG and have dumped my vacuum system, which I recommend. I like all my nav tech on my iPad or iPhone. I use FlyQ running on my iPad for cross country flight but love the fact I run exact same apps on iPhone for daily local flying eliminating need for large iPad in my lap for most flight.

Disclaimer: I am a VFR only flyer so always looking out the window and have something to see so expensive glass on panel is somewhat a waste of money. My ultimate goal is waiting for a good HUD system and keeping the steam gages as I consider anything on the panel is looking down and therefore backup. YMMV greatly if Flying a lot of IFR.
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I agree, don’t spend on old DG vacuum system. Grand Rapids Technology makes a complete system you can grow into slowly, at a good price point. Like a G5, they have a MINI product that would be a good starting point. On the is a big one . You can surely navigate with it and arm chair fly, but I bet a year from now, you’d wish for a smaller form factor. Lots of opinions and ideas will be forth coming <grin> . Welcome to the group, enjoy your 6A......
If you really want a full EFIS, many options for that, but will likely require finding a used one if on a tight budget. If you are ok with steam gauges, just go with a G5, Dynon, or GRT Mini EFIS. That will eliminate your vacuum system dependency and provide solid attitude, direction and TB functions. You can look at it or the other steam gauges. They are a bit small, but for heading and attitude are easy to see at a glance.

I purchased my first Van's plane about 8 months ago,. RV-6A. It was all steam gauges. I made 3 changes that have made the plane so much more functional and me a safer pilot.

1 - Installed an Aera 660 / GDL 39R. I got these used for $1,000 and they gave me incredible situational awareness. I now have moving map, traffic, GPS ground speed, etc...

2 - Replaced my altimeter with uAvionix AV-30e, $1,500. Wow! Incredible instrument - and it has become my single most important focus point in my flying. Airspeed (indicated and ground, I don't have temp sensor yet), altimeter, heading/track (from my Aera 660), AOA, G-Meter (I am learning...). This is the instrument I focus on when I am practicing instrument flight in case I get caught somewhere.

3 - GTX335 - replaced my Narco AT-50 with modern transponder and added ADSB_Out.

I now have much better situational awareness, traffic/weather ADSB, full ADSB compliance and a trustworthy single display of all relevant instrument data I need to fly. I did all this for less than 5 AMUs!
The main benefits of a full-sized EFIS system, as I see them, are that they can provide you with engine gauges, control your transponder, integrate ADS-B, navigate and manage your autopilot. To get all that, though, requires major panel changes and they aren't trivial.

The advice to get a drop-in unit probably would be the way I'd go.

Another alternative, if the vacuum system is running okay, would be to replace or repair the bad DG. There ought to be a suction gauge to let you know its condition. But be aware that dry vacuum pumps are very life-limited and it could be that the pump failed and the DG itself is fine. But of you have other vacuum instruments and they are working normally, then it's more likely that it's the DG itself. Note that wet vacuum pumps are more reliable but it's better to get away from that system completely.

I wouldn't replace the DG, though. I'd stick in something like a G5 or the GRT Mini and get more plus some additional redundancy (I think they can accept a back-up battery). I think that they'll replace all of your vacuum gauges with one display.

Welcome to VAF. You've come home.

Thanks everyone! I had no clue how many responses to expect. You guys are awesome. I am going to look into the g5 mini and other similar options. I also need to get ADSB out as the plane has no ADSB currently. It does have autopilot and I would like to pair it with a system that can communicate with when it comes to a DG replacement. 9ECCA994-0FE0-48B9-B8D6-BC86274BB3C7.jpg
I installed two Garmin G5s with a magnetometer in my 1997 RV-6 about 4 years ago. One of the two vacuum gyros cost $590 to overhaul. When the 2nd one went out 30-days after the first, I contacted SteinAir about G5 replacement. Less than $3,500 later and 7 pounds lighter, I now had an updated panel in my airplane. Not everything was purchased from SteinAir. I purchased fittings and tubing so that everything was connected. I even added the OAT box with a homemade OAT probe that gave me winds aloft info while flying.

Other manufacturers make units like the Garmin G5. The way instruments were installed in my panel, I would have not been able to mount other manufacturer units without a complete new panel. I had the standard 6-pack installed with minimum spacing that prevented installation of other manufacturer hardware.

Before you buy, download the installation documents of the hardware you consider installing then make sure that you have the space and necessary clearances to other instruments before you buy.

BTW, I used the G5 as the altitude source for the ADS-B out transponder when I upgraded to ADS-B out.
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Thanks everyone! I had no clue how many responses to expect. You guys are awesome. I am going to look into the g5 mini and other similar options. I also need to get ADSB out as the plane has no ADSB currently. It does have autopilot and I would like to pair it with a system that can communicate with when it comes to a DG replacement. View attachment 680

Nice airplane. When did you purchase it?
Thanks everyone! I had no clue how many responses to expect. You guys are awesome. I am going to look into the g5 mini and other similar options. I also need to get ADSB out as the plane has no ADSB currently. It does have autopilot and I would like to pair it with a system that can communicate with when it comes to a DG replacement. View attachment 680

Lots of good advice. I am just letting you know you did good as 6A’s are good!
Fast, faster, fastest. Economical. You need to figure out how much IFR if any you are planning it might influence your choice(s).