
Well Known Member
I repainted the design on the side of the fuselage so I thought that I would post it. It is a take off of another RV that was on one of VAN's calenders a few years ago, simple and somewhat different.

The Panel has better labeling since this picture was taken. I have no sub panel because my legs are too long for one.

Good Job!
Thanks for sharing...
unique for sure.
Liked the clean line of the panel.
How is the panel to fly?? Did it take getting used to?
Are you a lawyer?

Nope, I am a dentist and former (another life time it seems) swimmer. I think the swimming influenced the shark idea. I thank all of you for the nice words. :) :) :)

Bob Martin said:
Good Job!
Thanks for sharing...
unique for sure.
Liked the clean line of the panel.
How is the panel to fly?? Did it take getting used to?
Bob, Sorry I did not reply sooner. Thank you for the kind comments. The panel is easy to fly. I guess I sort of wish I had dual GRT http://www.grtavionics.com/ displays or possibly an Advanced Systems EFIS http://www.chiefaircraft.com/airsec/Aircraft/EngineInstruments/AdvancedFlightSystems.html
I like the GRT as its Map page has a lot of info as do the Engine and PFD pages but scrolling from page to page is tedious and leaves you wondering what is on the other pages that you may be missing. I did not want to spend the extra $2000.00 for a second display for something that I would use 100 hours or so each year.
To answer your question I am happy with the display and it does not take a lot of time to get use to. Certaintly it is not something that anyone that can build a plane can't quickly understand.
I am a 62 yo not too quick fellow that has learned to use it enough to get around the country pretty easily (in the past yuear I have gone to Fayetteville, NC twice and Phoenix, AZ once as well as several small trips in Texas.) I don't know all the nuances just like I don't know everything about this computer I am using to type this message into cyberspace. What I do know is enough to get me there safely. :)
I am going get current for IFR and think that it will be a good platform.