
Well Known Member
I'm a long-time lurker, someday hopeful builder, and now, proudly, and RV owner! I finally took the plunge and picked up an RV-6A.

I'm in the process of moving from Seattle, WA to Nashville, TN. The seller agreed to deliver it, and as tempting as it was to have it brought to me in Washington, I have a lot to do to prepare for the move. If I had it here, NONE of that would get done. Something about acting like a responsible adult and all... Unfortunately that means I won't get to fly it for another couple of weeks, but it is comfortably tucked into a hangar and anxiously waiting for me!

I had a prebuy done by Loyd Remus from Colorado Springs, who was very friendly, reasonable, and knowledgeable. I also had a fantastically smooth transaction with the seller (who has also built an RV-7). In my lurking, I've always been impressed with the depth of knowledge and willingness to help that I've seen on this forum, and I'm looking forward to being a part of that. I've already started a list of things I would like to do to it (because who hasn't), but for now, the thing I want to do most is fly it. I would love to meet some others in the area who could give me some in-person ownership, flying, and maintenance guidance.

Hi Barrett,

Really Sharp RV6A. Congratulations, but waiting 2 weeks to fly it would be torture.

See you at AirVenture.