I see that it had that Anti-Splat reinforcement installed.


...Yes! Good to see he is OK. The nose job performed as designed, forcing the gear leg to bend up higher, and no flip over. This, I am curtain had to be a very frightening experience. We all hope it or similar Doesn't come our way. Thanks, Allan...:D
Holiday greetings

I see that photobucket will happily send you holiday greeting cards with the image on them. Ah the Internet! Actually maybe good idea for Antisplat!:rolleyes:
I see that photobucket will happily send you holiday greeting cards with the image on them. Ah the Internet! Actually maybe good idea for Antisplat!:rolleyes:

I noticed that, too, and thought it was funny. But I'm thinking the owner doesn't think it's funny right about now. :rolleyes:
I bet the pilot is counting his lucky stars right now and patting himself on the back that he purchased the Anti Splat.
I noticed that, too, and thought it was funny. But I'm thinking the owner doesn't think it's funny right about now. :rolleyes:

...I went back and read the first post in this thread, and I am not sure the guy that this happened to, actually is aware that his photos have been posted? I also think the greeting card thing is a little weird. Thanks, Allan...:confused:
What kind of exhaust tips does he have on there?

......I think they are an attempt to quiet the exhaust down. They are closed off on the ends, can't imagine a more flow disrupting way to do it. Must really hurt the performance. :confused:

They are a variation of exhaust tips used by Steve Wittman for years on several of his airplanes.
They do reduce the noise a bit and have minimal if any effect on performance.