
Well Known Member
Our "Work of Art" Intersection Fairings for the RV6A/7A are now in production.
See our ad on the RV White Pages or go straight to: http://www.rvbits.com
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Just received the next batch of RV6A/7A main gear intersection fairings.
Will be in contact during the day with those who have ordered.:)
To Dick Green

I am trying to send an e-mail replay to Dick Green, but keep on getting messages that the server rejects his address.

So Dick if you are out there, please let me have your correct e-mail address.
The next batch of RV6A main gear intersection fairings are now ready for shipping :)
Looks great, what about us with real airplanes? Ie RV-6/7 ;)
Any plans for that?
BTW: Your frontpage webstore link i broken, but it works in other parts of your page.
The real plane fairings are ready - almost

Matt, The 6/7 fairings are ready for production - almost :D. I am going to fly out to a field on Saturday where there is a 6 just to check the final fit after we have adjusted it slightly.

Site down :(
Just checked the site and it is working :confused:
Please check again and advise.
Nice! I really like your fairings.

The webstore text link on the frontpage is still not working (Error 404). It points to
The same erranous linksystem is used within the site in other places and the webstore itself (Ex: brakelines and so I asume you at some point changed the directory structure or such, since the IP# itself is correct.

The majority of the sitelinks (including the one on the top) are using another destination that works just fine: http://www.rvbits.com/webstore

So it should be an easy fix. Replace the part with http://www.rvbits.com and you should be good to go.

Rgds, Matt
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