Well Known Member
A little foggy here. What rivets are used on the sides where the top F-671 skin meets the side F-670 skin. I know on each side the front 7 rivets are AD4-7 that continue through the Wd-602 but what's used behind them along the edge all the way to the cockpit edge. I've seen some conflicting info so I'd like to clear this up. Have seen some builders web site photos that look a awful lot like they used pulled rivets in that location. It sure would make it easy to finish since I don't have a rivet buddy but would rather do it as Van would. Went over my photos from Osh but those planes are so nice that even if they did have pulled rivets I sure they would have finished them with epoxy. Any 6 guys out there remember that area?
I am just going from memory here. If I recall where the forward top and sides meet at the longeron it was 4-7 or something around that length They are not very hard to set, so I can't see using pulled rivets for that entire string. I did use one pulled rivet on each side where the rivet was between the F-604 bulkhead front and rear plates, so access was very limited.
AD4-6's are what is shown on DWG 36

The upper longeron is pretty highly loaded in this area (carrying loads around the big open area of the cockpit. I wouldn't recommend blind rivets being used here unless they were structural grade Cherry rivets. There really is not reason to.... access is not anymore difficult here than anywhere else on the airframe.
Thank you gentlemen

My biggest problem was finding someone reliable to either buck or drive the rivets. Colin I came up with AD4-7's also and I think that's what I'll use. I may have to trim a little. Scott I found the AD4-6 call out on Page 36 of the plans but that appears for the cockpit area when there is only one skin sheet rather than the two up front.
My rivet school is now in secession and I hope to have a fresh graduate soon who can help with these final rivets. Thanks for the help. I was beginning to think I asked a stupid question. Wondering just how many 6's are still being built out there.
More smaller rivets

Some early builders, myself included, did an unofficial modification and used 3/32 rivets at half the spacing (0.75 vs 1.5 inch) along the forward longeron rails. Dimpled skins into countersunk longerons.

The smaller rivets are much easier to drive, especially for the forward skin which is the last skin to be riveted on the fuselage. The bucking person working in a very uncomfortable upside down position inside around already installed avionics trays and wiring wil thank you... :) They also seem help the skin lay a bit flatter along the longeron.

The reference documents actually give this combination of one rivet size less, but twice as many, as having a bit more strength than the original rivet call out.

Of course, the forward 1/8 rivets into the steel corner fittings stayed, and in this case I did use structural CherryMax rivets.
Nice to know I'm not alone.

Gil I wasn't aware of that modification. It seems like a good idea after hearing your explanation. I have just about the whole skin riveted except that edge row on each side and the center front ribs. So fearful of doing damage with a novice helper. I see your a slow builder too Gil. I'm at year 19. :eek: Can you beat that? If anything I guess I'm persistent. :D
Obsolete model club

Yes, s/n 20701

Not saying how many years until I get flying this year. :)

I guess you beat me, mine's S/N 24058. :D
I also hope to be in the air this year. :eek:
As I hear Rosie saying in my head all the time ," keep pounding, it's worth it" :):):)