Link to Hd Video: https://vimeo.com/40382341

My wife Renee and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary with a trip to Jekyll Island GA and on the way out of our airport we decided to call the NASA tower and see if we could fly down the Shuttle Landing Strip. After a couple of 360's to allow a C130 time to fly out on a North bound we received clearance to fly runway heading 150 at 500AGL. As we turned right base the rain started so was worried about Contour camera mounted to tail, but it survived and we are happy with the video. As we approached the VAB we got a glimpse of the 747 that will carry Discover to the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum next Tuesday. What an opportunity to not only fly down this runway, but to also see the 747 transport. If your close to Central Florida, next Monday will be your last chance to see this beautiful site as she is leaving with Discovery on her back Tuesday morning at 0700.
I could be there but ...

That's how the thinking goes. If I were, I would bring my best camera. Is "Shuttles" restaurant still there? We visiting teams bringing/supporting a payload would always make a lunch stop there. It really seems like the end of an era.

Bob Axsom
That's how the thinking goes. If I were, I would bring my best camera. Is "Shuttles" restaurant still there? We visiting teams bringing/supporting a payload would always make a lunch stop there. It really seems like the end of an era.

Bob Axsom

60 Minutes had a piece last week on how badly Brevard County has been hurt by the loss of space jobs and I believe that the Shuttles owner was one of the people interviewed. Unfortunately, he recently had to close the restaurant.
Shuttles Restaurant

Shuttles is gone, and locals that had eaten there say it was not as much the economy as it was the poor quality of food over the last couple of years. Brevard county has certainly suffered harder than most in this economy, but surprisingly many restaurants are doing very well here in Titusville. Dixie Crossroads still packs them in and Beef O Bradys as well as Kelseys is busy most nights. Both are less than a half a mile from the X21 Airport so come on down and give the economy a boost!
Time changes everything

I had my share of Endeavour burgers, Columbia burgers and fries there and it was a special time for us but alas it was just a little place by the side of the road west of KSC and we made more of it than it was I suppose.

Bob Axsom