6 Gun

Well Known Member
a quick ? for 6a drivers
those that installed new fork and strut did any one notice a loss of airspeed
the strut did not change but the fork placing the wheel more in the slip stream may be something other than this but i seem to have lost 5 to 10kts
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I have not chaged the original hardware

I have not changed the original hardware but in the process of modifying my RV-6A for speed I developed a subfairing that when tested on the nose gear made a very large increase in speed. My test and your observation both indicate that the speed of the RV-6A is very sensitive to the nosegear exposure.

Bob Axsom
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Bob, can you describe the nose gear subfairing in more detail? Or share a photo?
a quick ? for 6a drivers
those that installed new fork and strut did any one notice a loss of airspeed
the strut did not change but the fork placing the wheel more in the slip stream may be something other than this but i seem to have lost 5 to 10kts

The new fork uses the exact same mounting brackets for the wheel pant. The wheel/tire and the wheel pant are in the exact same relative position as they were with the old style nose wheel fork.

Aerodynamically they are identical.
Even then the new installation will probably not be identical

The new fork uses the exact same mounting brackets for the wheel pant. The wheel/tire and the wheel pant are in the exact same relative position as they were with the old style nose wheel fork.

Aerodynamically they are identical.

Scott, the actual installation will vary even if the design dimensions are identical. The most prone to variation is the wheel pant part of the assembly.

Bob Axsom
It is in a thread entitled "Subfairing for Oldstyle RV-6A Nosegear"

Bob, can you describe the nose gear subfairing in more detail? Or share a photo?

Do a search on "Subfairing for Oldstyle RV-6A Nosegear" or just "subfairing" and you will find everything you are asking for.

Bob Axsom

i was under the impression that one inch was cut off of the strut to allow the new fork to stick the tire down one inch for better ground clearnce
went back and done some reading and seen it was to raise the strut one inch higher
thanks for pointing that out
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The angle of the forks changed..

....but it is now 1" higher up the leg, giving you that extra inch of clearance after the end was sawed off. The nut is an extra inch higher.
