
I'm New Here
I am looking for a packing list for a older (not pre-punched skins) RV-6 wing kit. Vans' only have one for the newer kit, and and the parts are different. Thanks, Steve
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I can't figure out how to attach a file to the forum email. I've got the packing list for the wing kit I bought from another builder. The list is dated April 17, 1992. I can email if you still need it.

I hate fiberglass, flox, and filler
My RV6

I am looking for a packing list for a older (not pre-punched skins) RV-6 wing kit. Vans' only have one for the newer kit, and and the parts are different. Thanks, Steve

Mine came with nothing pre-punched except the wing skins.
I can dig out the bill of materals list, make a copy and send it to you by e-mail or snail mail, just let me know.

PS: I was not expecting the prepunched, but it was nice. To go with non pre-punched should not cause any trouble other than the extra work keeping every straight and carefully positioned.