mike in phx

Active Member
After blowing up a stock motor on a four mile final with no turbo on November, 28 2009 at KDVT, it was time to rebuild. It was too big of a temptation to add a turbo and intercooler to this RV6. Running 33" at 11,500 it sure works fine.

The company that built my motor back in 1998 was sold, changed their name, and moved so getting an explanation why the number 2 cylinder's rod nuts were in the oil pan without anything in them and why my crank was in two pieces (snapped in half) after 260 hours on a newly-built motor was impossible.

I built up a new motor O-360 Lycoming with Bendix fuel injection, 9.5:1 compression, with total seal gapless piston rings. I also added a Lightspeed dual ignition, a Rayjay turbo, and a very big intercooler. Like i said, it works really well. Temps are good; and the first part of testing is over. I cruise at 11,500 ft at 2,400 rpm, 28" manifold pressure burning 11.2 gph doing 180 ktas. Alternately: 13,500 ft 2,400 rpm, 26" manifold pressure burning 10.6 gph doing 180 ktas.

Being located in Phoenix, temps are a big issue in the summer...even on a stock motor. But I seem to have found a good combination and have temps in check running 33" manifold pressure at 11,500 ft, I get 100 F temperature drop over the inter-cooler. compressor Out temps are 230-240 F and after the inter-cooler, I see 120-130 F. Playing with the oil temps they are finally down to 195-200 F.

The gain over how it was (before the turbo) is a lot of climb speed 1000 fpm @ 130 kias all the way to 11,500 ft. I gained 35 kias cruise speed.

It was a long process, but compared to building a kit plane, it wasn't a big deal.

I made a billet oil pan, new intake, new exhaust, my own scavenge pump for the turbo, my own inter-cooler, and my own upper deck pressure injectors. I still have an inverted Christen oil system.

It sure is nice to have a forum like this to get some info. If anyone would like to try what it's like to fly a turbo RV-6, feel free to let me know...I'm always up for flying.

The next step is to get some oxygen and go high to do some testing. Hope you all have had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Mike Poulsen
N 694 MP







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Congrats, Mike! That looks great and it sounds like you're getting some great numbers. Good work!
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I have fantasized about doing this to my RV, and I really enjoyed looking at your pics. One question though. Why is Cyl #4 running so much colder than #'s 1-3?
WOW! Not only can you do it high and fast, you can also be inverted!

the number 4 cht probe wire is broke and in a very tight spot. so when its time for more close inspection i will change it out.
I need to stay non-turbo to stay in RV Blue Class

I am currently going through the annual condition inspection again and with all my lower cowl baffling it is more difficult than most RVs to work in the area behind the engine but it is wide open compared to your installation. On the other hand I only picked up 4 kts. I looked at the two photographs and it is obvious that you have addressed each problem and found a way to get the propulsion system you want in the space available. From your description it sounds like you have achieved a very high performance system that addresses the heat problems. Very impressive. I cannot even imagine the grass that will be killed around your airplane at Oshkosh if you pull the cowl for inspection or the interest that will be generated in the press.

The SARL has a separate class for RV 360 turbos so you would be flying alone in the competitions around the country but when the results are published usually where you stand in the whole field is almost as important as where you stand in your class. Speed is its own reward. This year there is a race scheduled in your back yard:

The Thunderbird 100 Air Race
8 October, 2011
Holbrook, AZ (P14)

There you could make a competitive run just to see how it does in competition. I'm sure the results would be impressive. Perhaps the one at the high altitude of Pagosa Springs would be even more so:

The Pagosa Springs 100 Air Race
24 September, 2011
Pagosa Springs, CO (PSO)

AirVenture Cup is a place where you can really shine because they do not place turbos in a separate class. I think you could fly in the RV Blue class there because the classification is based on displacement alone. Some pressure might be applied to force you into the RV Gold class but I'd say your performance will be at the top of whatever class they put you in. This year the race is to be flown from Dayton to Oshkosh again but if the series continues as it has recently, next year the race will be from Mitchell, South Dakota again. In that situation your high altitude performance will really excel. It is a fairly long race however so fuel could be a problem at high RPM max power. You would show the next speed step in the RV envelope followed closely modifications to the structure.

I have never heard much about Myron Jenkins' composite RV-7 that crashed but I would sure be interested in reading the full story behind that pioneering effort as well - the whole story not just the unfortunate end.

Bob Axsom
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What a great job of packaging all that plumbing! Congratulations on a job well done.

Do you have some pictures of the custom parts? You can't really see them under all pipes.

You have also answered the question regarding speed brakes on an RV.

With the brakes out, how fast do you come down and what attitude change does it cause?
Compression Ratio?

This sounds really cool!!!!

9.5 to one is a very high compression ratio for an Turbo'd engine. What do you use for T/O MP? What kind of CHT's do you see in climb? Have you had any detonation issues? Have you been to FL 180 with it? If so, can you keep it cool up there?

A turbo-normalized EVO rocket would be an incredible X/C airplane. Mark intended to put a Turbo on Ole '84 but decided it would not fit under the hood.

I have always known what my next airplane would be and right now the only step up that holds any interest for me would be a Turbo'd EVO Rocket. Probably a normalized, rather than supercharged, just for durability reasons...

Good luck! Keep us posted!

Doug Rozendaal
speed brakes are very nice when you are running a turbo. Open the waste gate @ 11500 leave throtle wide open and nose it over @ 2000 fpm no pitch change 180 ktas no speed increase lower alt like 8500,I can do 3000 fpm no problem full power open wastegate

turbo-normalized 9.5:1 is no sweat. Intercooler lowers the intake temp to prevent detonation. Its only when you get up to 38-39' map its going to be a problem. but not at 100 LL fuel and there is alot of peoble saying this and that but really this is very safe. I can run this thing 110 % power at 11500 alt and 2300 rpm and 14.7 gph very easy. come and se for your self

doug what is "t/o mp" sorry cant ansver if i dont now what it is

the hottest i have seen on a 24 celcius day was a climp from 3500 alt to 11500 alt 32' mp @ 1500 fpm cht was on # 3. 406. F and oil was 220 F and as soon as i level of it fell to 197 F and cht was 368. F

heres a picture of my oil scavenge pump and oilpan




the hottest i have seen on a 24 celcius day was a climp from 3500 alt to 11500 alt 32' mp @ 1500 fpm cht was on # 3. 406. F and oil was 220 F and as soon as i level of it fell to 197 F and cht was 368. F

heres a picture of my oil scavenge pump and oilpan
Now this puts the E (IN BOLD) in Experimental. All the oil lines look like a snake pit! I would expect higher Temps with the power output you are now getting. Your cooling plenum is successfull also. Great job!

I would love to see a photo of the lower cowling because it looks like it would need modification. Great looking install tho!!!

Oil pan cooling

I'd like to add some suggestions for using the oil pan with cooling fins to aid oil cooling. First, to be really efficient, you need to place a sheet of metal over the ends of the fins to form a plenum to keep the air in close contact with the fins. Second, you need to feed this plenum with outside air, not the hot air off the cylinders. Third, long fins build up a boundary layer which inhibits heat transfer from the fins to the air. This can be overcome by making the fins wavy rather than straight, or making the fin surface very rough to promote turbulence and scrubbing-off of the boundary layer, as smooth fins result in lowered heat transfer. 'For what it's worth!
It sure is nice to have a forum like this to get some info. If anyone would like to try what it's like to fly a turbo RV-6, feel free to let me know...I'm always up for flying.

Mike if you are up for some flying please let me know. I would really like to see your setup. I'm in the process of finishing up a RV7 and would like to get some input from you on turbo.

I'm based at DVT as well and will treat for the fuel and pancakes whenever you have the time.
This certainly looks cool!

Question: What is the Vne of your aircraft?

Hi the Vne would be the same as on Bob Axsom's RV 6 A and your own RV 6 A
I hope that answers your question and thanks for the compliment

I'd like to add some suggestions for using the oil pan with cooling fins to aid oil cooling. First, to be really efficient, you need to place a sheet of metal over the ends of the fins to form a plenum to keep the air in close contact with the fins. Second, you need to feed this plenum with outside air, not the hot air off the cylinders. Third, long fins build up a boundary layer which inhibits heat transfer from the fins to the air. This can be overcome by making the fins wavy rather than straight, or making the fin surface very rough to promote turbulence and scrubbing-off of the boundary layer, as smooth fins result in lowered heat transfer. 'For what it's worth!

Heres a deal of a life time.
If that is what you want for you system. Ill be happy making that for you, it adds to the price just so you know.
I just needed the stiffnes and strengh to hang a turbo from it with out the extra lbs.
Its a good idea and maybe worth looking in to.
Thanks for the input

for the other question about cowling i think i have enough room in a stock cowl. Maybe open it up just a litle bit. Mine was big to begin with, Ill post some pics later

if you want to ride in it. Im at dvt just send a pm and we can set it up.

Thanks to all of you for the nice compliments it makes all the work worth it
aaahhh t/o mp

Thanks pierre I dont always get the short for
but T/O MP is what pilot wants. I dont go over 33" MP.
It can be made for higher MP.
At 33' your stepping on that ruder to keep the ball in center
Mike if you are up for some flying please let me know. I would really like to see your setup. I'm in the process of finishing up a RV7 and would like to get some input from you on turbo.

I'm based at DVT as well and will treat for the fuel and pancakes whenever you have the time.

Me first!
I am at DVT too...

yes it will fit 6/7/8/9

I have goten a lot of pm about if the turbo will fit 320/360/390 and the answer is yes it will and it will fit 6/7/8/9
Nicely done!

Hi Mike,

I'm a recent 0-320 RV-6"X" builder. We still fly our 97 HR2 with 285HP IO-540 with GAMI's and Electronic ignition. I was very interested in your fuel burn performance numbers, identical to the Rockets at those altitudes. I can burn a bit more fuel up there and get 195 KTAS, but the idea of a 0-320 Turbo in the RV-6X is awesome. Rocket performance in a 4-banger at altitude.
Thanks for sharing!

TJ, I think we met. Did you use to work with Angie and Bob?

Yes I was previously with Cannon Aviation (Bob / Angie).
Started my own agency in 2005. Got bored working for someone else.

I share my office with Mike where he built his Rv6 Turbo motor. Pretty cool.

Come on over, I'll buy you lunch!

Cool Blue Baffle Seal

What is the baffle seal material? Something special or better than the standard black in the FW Kit?
Hi Mike,

I'm a recent 0-320 RV-6"X" builder. We still fly our 97 HR2 with 285HP IO-540 with GAMI's and Electronic ignition. I was very interested in your fuel burn performance numbers, identical to the Rockets at those altitudes. I can burn a bit more fuel up there and get 195 KTAS, but the idea of a 0-320 Turbo in the RV-6X is awesome. Rocket performance in a 4-banger at altitude.
Thanks for sharing!


Wolfgang Mehn has a Vortec blower on his EVO rocket. I forget his cruise numbers up high but they were way above this. The plumbing and ductwork made my head hurt to look at.

When you live in a swamp with a short grass strip, simplicity is everything. The Rocket is an unbeatable airplane in the below 10K utility category. It's hard to find any airplane that can launch fully loaded from a 1500 ft grass.strip, fly just under 1000 sm, cruising at 230 mph.We spent 3 days in Leadville last summer and our HR2 operated out of the 9927" field like my RVX at SL.
The turbo concept is noteworthy and a huge compliment to Mikes ingenuity. For me though, there is no substitute for horsepower:)

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Yes I was previously with Cannon Aviation (Bob / Angie).
Started my own agency in 2005. Got bored working for someone else.

I share my office with Mike where he built his Rv6 Turbo motor. Pretty cool.

Come on over, I'll buy you lunch!


Small world. I met you about a year ago when I went up with Tim in his Yak52.

I will stop by this weekend to catch up.
Big thanks and props need go out to Mike for taking me up to Sedona AZ today.

I had a blast going up with him while witnessing real performance on his turbo O-360.

All I can say is that his bird climbed like a homesick angel. Speeds were awesome and after meeting up with Mike, I'm now convinced that I need to get turbo added onto my IO-360.

I will try to post some video of the flight within the next day but here is a screen shot for a little proof.

heres the results of testing

After flying for some time and getting around. I made some changes to the setup.
The motiv was to get 180 ktas at under 10 ghp and it was posible the savings where 1.4 gph.

have a couple of things to try still

if you are ready for turbo charging your rv I have a kit just let me know




more low level testing

And today it was nice and warm in Phoenix and i just had to test oil temps at low alt
low level flight max 3600 feet min 2500 feet




and short video of flight at 11500

trip to truckee/tahoe from Phoenix

Ok so it was time for a long x country to se what was up with this turbo system. If it was going to be just as i planed.
did some minor tweeks before leaving and it seamed like it worked.
We left kdvt sunday morning heading to truckee /tahoe.
after getting to altitude and leaning for best temp and economy heres what i ended up getting


The trip ended taking 3 hours and 20 min crabbing 25-35 degrees up and 15-20.
On the way home it ended up at 3 hours and 10 min.
Not bad for kdvt- ktrk.
1065 nm in 6 1/2 hours with that kind of wind still about 163.8 kts average with climb and all





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speed question ?

Some people say well mine does that kind of speed allready. Just remember this rv is un painted, antennas sticking out top and buttom. Heavy because off inverted oil system, speedbrakes, two peoble and full of fuel.
Emty weight before turbo was 1275 lbs. After is 1311 and that was incl. maps, headsets,and other stuff i keep in there for x country.
trip to vegas

Today it was time for a trip to vegas landing at klas.
on the trip up i had to wait and circle outside class b and then land 19R but 1hour 32 min was still good
on the way home the trip was 235 nmiles and 1hour 22 min not bad from wheels up to wheels down at kdvt


yes oil temp is up but i have a new sensor on order the center is lose so its not accurate showing high

turbo kits are available : oilsump, intake, exaust, scavenge pump, upperdeck presure injectors, intercooler, hoses, clamps, 2 oilcoolers and turbo
it will fit 320 360 375 390 in rv 6 7 8 9 10 and others
now for drag reduction

ok the power is there but my plane was born with a lot of drag in the cowl setup i have got a hold of a stock cowl and im in the process of cut and paste to imitate dan and the shrinking exit nice work dan i just dont think
that i have dan's workmanship when it comes to fiberglas but a grinder and some microbubles and i will have cut my exit area down by 2/3 cant wait to do some test flying
happy flying

well after a lot of sanding fiberglas and different test fligths i seem to have gained about 8-10 knots on my mod and of course it does not come for free heat is the cost but its under control plus temps have gone up here in phoenix but testing different tings to deal with heat in climb and cruse is going really good i im very happy with the results so far
this weekend was a nice trip to vegas again
these are snapshots after the climb just before things started to cool down one going north west and one going south east
and it was 75 min friday from dvt to henderson and today it was 72 min to dvt from henderson fuel burn was 14.4 up and 13.2 home.
at the moment im trying a lot of power settings just to se how it runs




Nice speed increase Mike. How about some pictures so we can see what the cowling looks like now? Especially the exit from the intercooler. I'm convinced that was a big source of drag.
hey kevin lots of changes from when you flew the plane it was very solid when you where here.
And it has only been going in the rigth direction
but the intercooler exit is still the same it was the big buble on the buttom cowl that i removed.
now it looks like an Rv as you know i have a lot of cleanup to do on the aerodynamics. pictures are comming.
How are things with you ?

ok as promised pictures of a ruff cowl before and after.

these 2 pictures is before turbo lots of drag



and these are with turbo and redused cowl exit aka the Dan H mod



and here is a couple of pics of a stock scoup on top of my exit and then the differens



oil temp

trying to lower my oil temp for some time and i knew i had enough oil cooler but then i saw high numbers and started trying to get the numbers down but nothing helped changing sensor ,more air over oilcoolers litle stuff here and there then this morning i went out and climbed to 11500 in 8 minat 100 knots indicated my oil temp went to 242 F


and then i started flipping switches and it went to 365 F if i turned all on
but if i turned alt field off then it went to 207 F from 242F


turns out if im crusing at 228 F oil temp its only 198-201 F
its fine on the ground not running its fine climbing out but 205 and above its like a bad sensor and its brand new
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@ the anual mark

So after a very busy summer with lots of flying im now ready to do the anual and inspect the turbo system lots of good trips to cali,boneville,this system has been very solid even in the heat of phoenix the hottest day of the year i was comming back from bakersfield with my dad and just to test temp on all components i was at 13500' running 100-102% for 2 hours and all was in the green truing out at 198 knots we had 15-20 knots on the nose and i still had 180-185 knot gs. This has really proven to be a very solid platform wit 93 hours this year it has performed flawlesly i hope everybody else have had a good funfiled summer wit lots of flying
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