
I'm New Here
I have become a partner in an RV-6 and am trying to guage it there is any interest in transitional or familiarization training in my area. This training could act as a flight review as well in some cases.

I am CFI-I located in SW Michigan, rates would be in the $120/hr range.

If there is enough interest I may proceed with getting the EAA exemption 7162A which would allow this type of operation.

If interested, please contact me by email.
Count me in, building an RV-9, located central Mich.

Fred Fagan
working on tail
wings and Fuselage delevered thursday
transition training

It would be great to have someone in Mi. After I got my 6 the insurance company wanted the training. At the time there was a gent with a 9A that was available but he became ill and there was no one close. I ended up using a local CFI, retired airline pilot with 20,000 hrs. He had 1000+ hrs in a swift and the insurance company said OK. Still would have been nice to deal with someone with actual RV experience.

RV 6 purchased
RV 8 wings (N719JT reserved)
I'm interested

I am in north central Indiana and I would be interested in training later this spring. I have an RV-6 project near completion.