Hey guys

I am buying my first RV and am looking for Transition Training and Tailwheel Endorsement in the East Coast. Can someone advise me on who to contact? Having a little trouble finding someone in the area.


Jan Bussell (based in Florida) is THE RV-6 transition training master. He's great!

Cell 561 628 2105
[email protected]

And very affordable as well! I did my transition training and tail wheel endorsement with Jan this past December and enjoyed every minute of it. You can book cheap flights with Allegiance Air out of Hagerstown MD to Orlando and then rental car to Lake Okeechobee, which is where he is located.
A Medical Student!? ... and you're getting an airplane ?! Are you a whole new kind of crazy ?!

Anyway, I did my training with Kent Gorton at Mallards Landing just south of Atlanta. He may be a little slow to reply since he's also an airline pilot. I learned a lot from him.
Transition Training

I trained with Jan Bussel in Okeechobee in April. Learned a lot and definitely recommend him. He is patient, reasonable, and objective in his feedback. Good luck!

I did my transition and tail wheel endorsement with Jan in July. Great instructor, I highly recommend him
I thought my questions fits in here, even though it is already an older thread.

What are your thoughts on combining the tailwheel endorsement with the RV-6 transition training? Does this make sense or should I rather first get a tailwheel endorsement in something like a Cub and only afterwards start with the transition training?
I thought my questions fits in here, even though it is already an older thread.

What are your thoughts on combining the tailwheel endorsement with the RV-6 transition training? Does this make sense or should I rather first get a tailwheel endorsement in something like a Cub and only afterwards start with the transition training?


It comes down to personal preference and how you want to do your training. If you're looking to gain the tailwheel experience first and do this training one step at a time, you can get your tailwheel endorsement in a different type aircraft like a Cub. I highly recommend the "crawl, walk, run" method for this training, which is what I did, and it worked great. I received my initial tailwheel endorsement in a Citabria (along with a biennial flight review), and then continued on with RV-6 training with Jan Bussel in Florida. Again, you don't have to do it this way, but I was very happy that I did. When I met with Jan in Florida, I was glad I already had some tailwheel experience under my belt so that I could focus more on RV-6 specific training with him. He will do both though. Totally up to you, and I hope this helps.