
Well Known Member
Ours is starting to show its age. We didn't build the plane, so I'm unsure how this is installed.

Is it "easily" removable for painting?
They are installed with only one vertical bolt, but are usually a very tight fit. Unless you have corrosion, or are concerned there is, I would consider painting it without removal. You can remove the bolt and give it a try, but my experience has been they are tight, tight, tight.
Ours is starting to show its age. We didn't build the plane, so I'm unsure how this is installed.

Is it "easily" removable for painting?

You should contact Vans and buy the USB drive with your planes drawings and instructions on it. That will give you information on how (mostly) it is assembled and the correct bolts, spacers, washers etc.
You should contact Vans and buy the USB drive with your planes drawings and instructions on it. That will give you information on how (mostly) it is assembled and the correct bolts, spacers, washers etc.

That's an excellent idea.

Had no idea they'd do that.
On my plane (which I didn't build) I just disconnected the chains, removed the nut, pulled out the bolt and out slid the spring.
I have to say it was all VERY well greased, and got a good dose of the same when I put it back together!

Much easier to strip and reassemble tailwheel and clean and paint spring on the bench than on the plane.

Getting the tailwheel off the spring on the other hand....
removed the nut, pulled out the bolt and out slid the spring.

The spring is the actual "stinger." I was confused by this in the beginning because the wheel is moved with actual springs in line with other hardware (in stock trim anyway).

Haven't had to take mine out but I do have a set of preview plans I bought when I thought I might try to build a plane. Then I decided to buy a plane. They have been very helpful as the other poster mentioned.
Sounding like it's easier to just repaint while it's installed.
If you dribble acetone and ATF around and it gets on the outside where the paint is, you may get to paint the tail of the airplane, too! :rolleyes: