
Does anyone know about what year and builders number, Vans switched to the thicker skins on the RV-6 tail kits.
Been looking at some older tail kits and the sellers don't know if the kits contain the thin or thicker skins.
It’s the rudder that originally had a 0.016” skin. The upgrade is a 0.020” skin. Use a set of calipers to determine the thickness of the skin in question.
The original elevators were .016 thick as well.

I think the change happened when the updated emp kit began shipping with an RV-8 vert stab and counter balanced rudder.
I called Van's about 1993 and asked if they'd bend me up a set of .020 rudder and elevator skins and the reply was "what for? .016 is fine". As it happens, in my case he was right, with 2000 hours over 23 years with no problems. I would still hold out for .020 or buy a kit right and get (or make) new skins.
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Now I’m curious as to whether or not my 1997 elevators are 0.016. Away from home so can’t verify right now. The rudder developed cracks on leading edges of the stiffeners but the elevators are fine.
In 2001, I threw the empennage of my bought-as-partially-built RV-6 into the trash and ordered new parts from Van's. They asked me if I wanted .016 or .020 for the elevators and rudder.
Now I’m curious as to whether or not my 1997 elevators are 0.016. Away from home so can’t verify right now. The rudder developed cracks on leading edges of the stiffeners but the elevators are fine.

They are probably.016
I think it was late 1998 (there abouts) that the 6 emp. kit got updated.