
Well Known Member
Hey guys-

It appears our trim tab was fixed to the airplane via some sort of adhesive that has since become weak and allowed the trim tab to depart the aircraft..

It also appears that the manual calls for this trim tab to be riveted to the aircraft in the first place..

Well, we now find ourselves looking for a proper trim tab for the -6..

The only one I have found is this:

Does anyone else know of another supplier?

The old one was sheet metal and if possible, we'd like to have another one like it..


You can make a tab from a piece of scrap AL which looks ugly in my opinion or you can use a piece of balsa wood in the shape of a wedge and glue it on. Every plane that requires a rudder trim tab will be a different size so you will have to make one put in on temporarily fly the plane and see if it works, if not make another a little larger or smaller. When you get the proper size remove it, finish it and reattach.
....It appears our trim tab was fixed to the airplane via some sort of adhesive that has since become weak and allowed the trim tab to depart the aircraft....Jeff

If the rudder trim tab departed the aircraft, it is reasonable to suppose it wasn't secured very well in the first place. The link shows photos of my installation and has been fine (and since painted over) for a few years now. Surface preparation is important and if you bond the wedge on with epoxy or even proseal, it is not likely to EVER come loose even if you wanted it to.