
Well Known Member
Are there any CFIs with an RV-6 or -7 in the Greensboro, NC area that I could use to get some dual? My -7 is nearing completion and the insurance company is asking for 1 hour of dual.

Ask if a -9 will qualify also = more possibilities

I will ask our gang at 8A7, as we have one ove everyhing but a -3 and -10 based there. When are you looking to fly? Keep an eye on my post in the Southeast forums for the little Rocket/RV gathering I am putting together for April16th..you may make a conection there if you can get over to 8A7.
I am hoping to do this as soon as possible. Even this weekend or next week if I can get it set up. The Airworthiness inspection for my -7 is scheduled on the 21st ad if all goes well with that I would like to be ready to start Phase 1.

I have a Decathlon so could fly into 8A7 or wherever needed.