Jerry Wilken?

Is that you?

Lazy 8's?....You really don't need much power...If you have more than enough your 8's will simply be a little bigger...In other words it really doesn't matter.

Tell you what, give me a call and we'll go do loops and rolls (aileron, barrell and snap) in your airplane....I'm quite happy to show how to do this stuff safely.


English frank
Power for level flight at 160mph indicated works quite well. Less also works. With more you'll have to watch VNE depending on how Lazy your 8s are.

Have fun!
Ahh now I see

Gerry has his CFI CR coming up...Go Jerry!

We're going to fly in the morning see if we can nail 'em for the CR.


I like 160kts indicated at 4000ft....About a 3G pull up (watch your wingtip cut the horizon on the upline ...This means right rudder!) pull to inverted gently when you see the ASI hit around 95 t0 100kts...reduce backpressure to zero at the top and gently ease the stick back to do the downline.

Pull the power as soon as you start down.

I do pretty much al of my acro at 24 squared LOP...I.e pretty low power....Mainly cus I'm too lazy to do anything different.

If you feel the stall buffet on the backside just ease off the bacpressure.

Not that I would ever advise doing acro without training.

Loops from Level....

I generally use about 140 KIAS for loops, which turns out to be level flight - plenty of energy for loops, cubans, etc from that speed - this is in an -8 of course.

"LAZY" Eights?!?!?

What are those in an RV? I thought that RV's wouldn't do any sort of turns in the normal flight regime of less than 60 degrees my RV perhaps mis-rigged? :)

Cheers and happy flyin! I won't tell you to keep the shiny side up because that's no fun!

That was interesting

Jerry and I flew hi 6 this morning..I think I managed to help him see what has happening on the lazy and he has them nailed now.

What surprised me was how light the stick pressure was on the 6...did a roll and we grazed our heads on the canopy at the invert where I used what felt like the tinyest amount of forward pressure when inverted..

Wow...How'd that happen....?

The best flying RV.. what it is, Frank. Seriously, I've flown -4s, 6,7,8 and 9's. I'd prefer my -6 still. Yesterday I flew my buddy's -4 and it feels a lot like my -6...absolutely wonderful.

You mean I screwed up?


Yes I could see how you could really love the light stick pressure..Sweet flying aeroplane!
