
Well Known Member
In the past I've asked a couple of questions about the various VS & rudders used on the RV-6 series; and thanks to Mel & others, have recieved a good history of the 2 VS & rudders used, when the change as made, and the reasons why.

Now I'd like to ask the same about the HS & elevators. Through searching and reading, I get the feeling that the basic HS design did not change, and only the skin thickness went from 0.016 to 0.020 at some point or as an option??

Can I replace (in theory) the elevators on a 1991 vintage RV-6 with say elevators from a 2000 vintage empennage (control horn drilling problem)?
The skin thickness option of .020" is for the elevators. The horizontal stab has always been .032". You can change to the thicker elevator skins at any time.
Remember to do a new W&B as the thicker skins will require more balance lead.
Mel said:
The skin thickness option of .020" is for the elevators. The horizontal stab has always been .032". You can change to the thicker elevator skins at any time.
Remember to do a new W&B as the thicker skins will require more balance lead.
Once again, THANKS, Mel.... :)
I am considering just changing the elevators to correct a elevator horn drilling problem on the installed set, as the lower right elevator also has a 1.5" longitudinal crack (stop drilled) from before I got the plane. Must have been the 0.016 thickness.

I will do a good W&B when I get done with all these changes (am just doing an incremental one for now).
Actually, the cracks are NOT caused by the thinner skin. Mine has been flying for over 14 years with no cracks. The cracks are usually caused by too large a radius of the trailing edge. This puts stress on the last rivet at each stiffener. If there is ANY bulge between the last rivet and the trailing edge, you can correct it by gently squeezing the trailing edge radius with seaming pliers.
Mel said:
Actually, the cracks are NOT caused by the thinner skin. Mine has been flying for over 14 years with no cracks. The cracks are usually caused by too large a radius of the trailing edge. This puts stress on the last rivet at each stiffener. If there is ANY bulge between the last rivet and the trailing edge, you can correct it by gently squeezing the trailing edge radius with seaming pliers.
I think this crack is farther forward, past the last rivet; but will look at it again. There was stess there at one time in any event.
Building technique?


Didn't the early RV's have you counter sink the holes in the tail group and later on switch to dimples?

I think one of our chapter members, who spent something like 11 years on his QB 6 said his tail was built without dimples.
N941WR said:

Didn't the early RV's have you counter sink the holes in the tail group and later on switch to dimples?

I think one of our chapter members, who spent something like 11 years on his QB 6 said his tail was built without dimples.

When I started building my -6 in '97 the earlier kits gave you the option of dimpling or countersinking. I had a buddy who countersunk his HS. One day soon after it was flying he went out for a flight and, during his preflight, he grabbed the HS and gave it the customary "wiggle" only to hear it creak for the skin flexing in the countersunk holes. If I recall correctly, he immediately grounded the plane and build a new HS and VS.
Yes, countersinking was and still is an option on .032" skin. I countersunk mine and haven't had a problem in over 14 years. However, I would not do it again. It's much more difficult to do correctly, is not quite as strong, and in my opinion doesn't look as good as dimpling.