
Well Known Member
Anybody know the total number of rivets there are in an RV-6 slow build? I've always wanted to know the total number of holes that have to be drilled and riveted to build an RV-6.
Search the archives. Chad Jensen had a counter and clicked it once for each rivet he put in the -7 he built. IIRC, it was something over 15,000.
A buddy of mine who built a slow-build RV-4 claimed around 16K for his but he was a bit predisposed to exaggeration so I'm thinking the 15K number is probably not too far off from reality.
"Total rivets including factory set (wings & center section) 16,229
From Chads Former Web Site.

Wow! So maybe my buddy who built the slow-build RV-4 wasn't exaggerating after all.

The builder of my RV-6 doesn't know the exact number either... he just refers to some vague reference to some sort of "metric tonnage" figure which I've been unable to exactly quantify :D
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