
I am proud to announce the first flight of my RV6 C-GRIV on January 6, 2009. Beside a couple of minor glitches everything went well. The aircraft flies straight and the engine and prop performed flawlessly! I started the project in January of 1992 so I think I qualify as a slow builder building a slow kit!

The aircraft had been ready to fly since december 24, but the holidays, work, weather and insurance stopped me from flying sooner. No rush after 17 years and 2750 hrs of work!

So on the 6th, the runway in Lachute, Quebec was free of ice, the plane was ready, my brain was cleared from the holidays, important people were available and the weather was perfect for a first flight in January in Canada. It was -5°C even though it looks like it was very cold from the pictures.
I was really impressed on take off by the fast acceleration, in fact the plane was ready to fly before I was! And It kept climbing at 2500 ft/min even at a 120 mph cruise climb speed. I circle the airport for 10 minutes at 2500 ft and found out that my SL40 Com wouldn't transmit anymore, just a "squeal" when pressing the PTT. I decided to leave the airport area anyway and did 2 approaches to stall to confirm my approach speed and finally I did 2 stalls; 1 clean and 1 with full flaps. Both were non events with straight ahead break and no warning like I was expecting. Returning to the airport my radio decided to work normally:confused: The approach and landing were flown normally with a decent touchdown! Lucky....I have to say I got some training with Jan Bussell in Florida in October and we did maybe 40 landings.... well worth it!

The aircraft is powered by an overhaul Lycoming O360A1F6D with counterweight crankshaft and a Hartzell Blended airfoil prop. This gives a very smooth combo. The panel has standard steam gauges that were bought new, before EFIS even existed for homebuilt. I also have a SL40 Com, Garmin 327 transponder, Lowrance 2000C GPS and MicroMonitor for engine info. The interior has the full Classic Aero leather treatment.

I plan to finish the wheelpants and fairings this spring. I will also add some vinyl stickers to finish the exterior. I went back for a thorough inspection on the aircraft and especially the engine and everything was still where it's supposed to be. When the temperature gets warmer, (we almost broke a record last night at -34°C) I will go back for a 2 hrs flight to continue the engine breakin.

The day after the first flight I had to go to work flying the bigbus to the Caribbean but in my head I was still flying my little 2 seat flying carpet...

I would like to thank all my family and friends who believed in me all these years. My wife's birthday was also on the 6th and I stole the show from her. At least now I will remember her birthdate.:rolleyes:

You can check a video of the first flight here:


You can also see pictures here:




I have been "lurking" the forums for years but this is my first post!

Denis L.
RV6 Flying
Lachute, Quebec
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Congrats and welcome to the VAF forum!

(Sorry, I'm not a Francophone, thus the English.)

Quebec is a great city, I used to travel there on business and enjoyed every minute of it.
Congratulations on your first flight, Denis. We did our first flight only a couple of weeks ago. Am sure we will meet at the local (and not so local) fly-ins.
Congrats Denis!!!!

That video was wonderful. Thanks for sharing and have a happy phase I.

Congratulations on the successful first flight of your RV-6. The cheers and encouragement of your "fans" was a great addition to the video!
Is that a G-696 in your panel? Sweet!:D
Felicitations Denis,
Je souviens ma visite dans ton sous sol. You may remember providing me some 3/4 angle for my project which is still in the finishing stage - wiring forever. Yours sure looks great!
Felicitations encore!
Calgary, AB
Is that a G-696 in your panel? Sweet!:D

It's a Lowrance 2000C.

Denis is the guy that got me into aircraft building. His step-son is a friend and he was the ?crazy? neighbor who was building a plane! I first saw the plane 6 or 7 years ago. The fuselage skins were still on with clecos. Then came the canopy, engine, prop. I went to his hangar in December for the official W&B. The first flight was coming soon!

I wasn?t able to attend the event but I?m glad everything was fine.
Congratulations on your first flight Denis ;)
Welcome to the 10+ years club

Congradulations, It seems like there are a lot of long time projects finally making it into the air. Now if only the weather would cooperate and let you get some flying in.
Felicitations Denis,

It is great to have another somewhat local RV flying - only half an hour from Smiths Falls by RV - I'll have to come visit sometime after I get my flight testing finished.

Good luck during the flight test program.

Fly safe, have fun,

Felicitations Denis!

Good to see another on the Canadian Reg!

Many happy flying hours to come im sure. If you make it down to Toronto look us up.

F?licitations Denis

F?licitations Denis.....

Apr?s 16 ans,tu le m?rite un peu..:)

Tu vas aimer ?a je pense:D

Now get that test flight phase over asap so we can start tuning up your formation skills...

Don't be a stranger

Bruno Dionne
[email protected]

A beautiful plane!! I really admire your determination to keep at it until your dream is fulfilled. I could see and feel the excitement that your friends and family had when they watched your plane go airborne. Mission accomplished. May you have many, many happy hours flying in your new plane!!
Great video! Very nice looking 6 Denis. Hope that was good champagne! Congratulations.


I'm at the same point. I'm all signed off legal to fly. The plane is ready and full of fuel. All I have to do is roll her out and go. I'm just waiting for the weather here on Long Island, NY. Today it's snowing, figures. I'm going to the airport anyway, I'll clean up my hanger and look at my cool plane.