The YouTube video from the helicopter is telling. Squeaking in under the power lines into that space was real skill, assuming there was nowhere else to go.
In an interview on the news here locally, the owner was 24 and uninjured and was getting instruction from a CFI, who was injured.
Looks like some really good piloting to get it down in a clearing and avoid the power lines. God was with them that day. Speedy recovery,

So few options ....

...and it looks like some solid airmanship to get it in a small, small area.

Very grateful they are alive and hope they recover quickly.

I can't see shoehorning that landing with a 40 kt headwind. That video footage of the site makes it look aerodynamically impossible to pull that off unless he had a long approach path into that right-of-way that's not in camera. That plane should have hit that power pole with tremendous energy still to bleed off. I'm in awe.
The detective work by team VAF is excellent. 1) So glad there were no fatalities; 2) Looking at the picture it's amazing there were no fatalities.
I went back and watched the whole video from the Helo, and then looked at the map that's linked in the article. It looks to me like if a guy was on a right x-wind for that grass strip that's just north of the highway, where they impacted is the only option other than putting it into somebody's front yard.

I'm making some assumptions about where they were and what they were doing, but this sure seems to be an amazing example of a pilot who stayed calm, made the best decision he could, and kept flying it all the way to the ground.

Speedy recovery sir, we need more instructors like you!