
I live in Montana and use my Citabria to access several of the wilderness airstrips here and in Idaho. I’d sure like to have the increased range and speed of the RV-6. What do you think I would need to do to make it capable in the backcountry?
Search Sport Aviation archives for January 2017 article on Ken Asbe's "Bigfoot RV6" starting on page 72.

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The first RVs I ever saw were a stock RV-4 and an RV-6 up at Moose Creek, ID.

But I'd suggest removing the pants, installing bigger tires and the larger pneumatic tailwheel. These changes, particularly removing the pants, will slow you down some.

Almost none….

I live in Montana and use my Citabria to access several of the wilderness airstrips here and in Idaho. I’d sure like to have the increased range and speed of the RV-6. What do you think I would need to do to make it capable in the backcountry?

This summer I took my -14 to two dozen strips in Idaho, Montana, and Washington state along with a friend in a -9A. I have 6” wheels he has the standard 5”. Unless your intent is the Super Cub Super STOL airstrips the backcountry is attainable in a standard RV. We did not even remove the wheelpants, with that said mine are installed about two inches higher than most.

My only suggestion would be to understand the runway is seldom an issue; however, the areas off to the side can be. If needed just shut it down and get out the towbar.
Moose Creek

The Moose Creek airstrip 1U1 is a favorite of mine so if RV-6s can fly in and out of there, that pretty much answers my question.

Thanks everybody,
If you get a -6 (not -6A) make sure the engine mount has the gusset mod at the bottom intersection where the landing gear tubes come into the engine mount, to prevent cracks from forming there due to rough operations. Ask me how I know... :(

PS. If you purchase one already built, also be sure to check that area for said cracks.