
Well Known Member
i didn't get a chance to run out to talk to the owner/builder 'cuz nobody told me there was an RV here! anyway, i snaped a couple of pics from the upstairs window today at KBMI (bloomington, IL). great looking paint job! anybody know the airplane or the builder??



says "Bottoms Up" on the cowl! :D
That's Kelly Dunn, 80 miles north of BMI. He has been to my place......VERY nice airplane!!!
thanks jack. one of the line guys told me that he was fairly local (IL). get him to bring it down to the fly-in!! :D i'd love to see it closer...
yeah i know. i sell airplanes for a living and i've looked up an Nnumber or two in my day. :) more often that not, as in this case, you can't tell by the FAA registration. i did look it up as soon as i saw the airplane, but i can't tell who JK/GK Dunn is.

please don't take this as a smart alec response, 'cuz it's not meant to be. ;) :D
Maybe I missed something?

cjensen said:
yeah i know. i sell airplanes for a living and i've looked up an Nnumber or two in my day. :) more often that not, as in this case, you can't tell by the FAA registration. i did look it up as soon as i saw the airplane, but i can't tell who JK/GK Dunn is.

please don't take this as a smart alec response, 'cuz it's not meant to be. ;) :D

Chad, if you look up the n number with the link I gave, it gives you the owners information including address, etc. And there is no JK/GK Dunn, it's James K Dunn, and his address. While this isn't always the case, in this case, *all* the information to contact him, except phone number, and you could probably get that with switchboard.com, is there.

But then perhaps what i'm missing is the sarcasism.
well...that's strange. when i looked it up the other day, i coulda sworn all i saw was the initials. :eek: my mistake. the problem is, is that i've looked up TOO MANY registrations for work. :eek:

actually, it's not so strange. i missed it plain and simple. :rolleyes: