Tango Mike

Well Known Member
Third-time poster, non-builder, seeks even more advice! Builder installed electric pitch trim only. I'd like to add aileron trim, and it appears I have three options: manual spring system, electric servo with tab on the aileron, and adapting the RV7 servo and spring bias assembly to the RV6. The latter, though more expensive, appears to be a good choice for my relatively limited mechanical skill. Comments? TM
Why would you need anymore than the spring trim for fuel wieght on your ailerons?
Shine'r (Sunny, Warm, Beautiful Pittsburgh Pa.)
Why would you need anymore than the spring trim for fuel wieght on your ailerons?
Shine'r (Sunny, Warm, Beautiful Pittsburgh Pa.)

Excellent question. I have to admit that the electric trim buttons on the stick grip appeal to most of my previous flying experience, although my RV4 has the stick-mounted manual trim, and it works great. The only manual aileron trim I've seen in a -6 has the adjustment control mounted between the seats, a relatively large lever, and with my seat cushions there literally isn't room to swing the lever to either side. If I could adapt a vernier-style control knob to the springs, I could probably make that work. Thanks for helping me apply common sense...TM
electric aileron trim

I am on my 2nd RV6, non-builder of both. 1st had no aileron trim and second has electric aileron trim. The trim tab on the aileron appears to load the ailerons significantly as you go faster. I would definitely recommend manual aileron spring centering type trim, and no tabs. It's easy to install. My 2 cents.....
Before I found out about.....

Before I found out about the spring setup as on the later models supposedly adaptable to the 6.

I did this.



For all the gorie details click on this link.


It was a lot of work and some cash. I will have the coolie trim switch on my stick. Will it be better, I don't know yet, ahh EXPERIMANTAL territory:eek:

The spring seem like a easy, lighter and less expensive alternative setup, but I like mine and it took quite a while to get it to look like it fully belonged as part of the aileron.:rolleyes:

Best wishes.
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I have a trim tab on my right aileron & it works great. Coolie hat on the stick. Perfecto.

I have a trim tab on my right aileron & it works great. Coolie hat on the stick. Perfecto.

Cool, I am not alone, its just that I will be a lefty.

I put it there so I could more easily see its postion before takeoff.
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Type of Pwrd Trim Tab?

I have a trim tab on my right aileron & it works great. Coolie hat on the stick. Perfecto.

Groucho, Is your trim tab built into the aileron like the pic on this thread, or does it extend beyond the trailing edge? Either way, do you notice substantially increased aileron feedback going fm 100 to 150 knots? I do not recall such being the case on my first RV6. Thanks......
My trim tab looks almost exactly like the one in the photo above. The trim tab itself follows the contour & outline of the stock aileron and is hinged on the top skin. The servo is mounted in the aileron just forward of the trim tab. It works well for the full speed and loading range of my RV-6.

The aileron stick force does change with speed in the RV, but it's really noticable from about 180mph to 210mph IAS. In my airplane, there is also a change in required aileron trim between those speeds.

Even with the aileron trim centered, the aileron stick force near Vne is much higher than at normal cruise airspeeds. For "fast" RV's (i.e. ones that can operate near Vne), I would guess that an actual trim tab would be better than the spring, but I haven't done a side-by-side comparison.

The one thing that's nice about the trim tab is that it has enough roll trim power for me to run full left-side heavy without an issue (i.e. pilot on the left, full left tank & empty right tank). I'm not saying I do that regularly, but the control power is there if I needed/wanted it for whatever reason.

I'll be out of town this week, but I can take some photos of my setup & post them if anyone's interested. Hope this helps!