
I have done some mild acro in fuel injected/inverted oil aircraft. I have an RV-6 with Lyc. 150 HP,carb, non inverted oil. What kind of acro has been done with this configuration ? Any problems with fuel/oil supply?
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Stay positive and you will not have an oil or fuel problem. Loops and rolls or combinations of the two. Stay away from any negative G stuff and your belly will stay clean.
rv-6 acro

Groucho, one of our moderators and frequent video contributor, has the same set-up as you, and you can see super video and the great acro he does on his website: http://www.thedukes.org/rv/video.html or search this website in the video section for the same video clips.
Bill McLean
RV-4 Slider
Positive Attitude

The entire sportsman routine can be accomplished in a 150 HP RV6 or 4 or whatever with a carb and standard sump. Stay "loaded" with aft pressure on the stick and the oil pressure and carb float will never budge. I competed in my RV4 and have done the routine many times in my Dad's 150HP -6.

No worries!

Aerobatics and spinning.


Have you spun the RV6?

How does the RV4 and RV6 compare during aerobatics. I know what you'd prefer;) but can you describe how they differing in that realm.

I have the same configuration, and am still trying to get a builder's manual from Vans. I'll try emailing them again. I've asked three times and all they do is send me another form to sign saying that i'm not going to build more than one plane from this set of plans. I've sent three in so far, but still have no plans or builder's manual.
We did 6 turns each direction in my -6. This was before Van had done the spin testing. I'm not comfortable with the way the -6 spins after about 2 turns. It wraps up pretty fast and takes 1.5 turns to recover.
The -3, -4, & -8 spin much nicer than the side-by-side RVs.
RV-6 Acro

Sounds a lot like the T6. After a few turns it takes 1-2 additional turns with full anti-spin inputs before recovery. At least the one I flew. The Beggs method worked not at all after three turns of trying. You better believe we tried the conventional control inputs then!
Inverted will score better but who cares


The reverse 1/2 cuban in this year's Sportsman requires that you climb at 45 degrees, roll over at the 1/2 way point and then climb the rest of the way inverted. I am usually hanging from my seat belts for a couple of seconds doing this one and the reverse wedge.

If I had concerns about being inverted, I would just hold the 45 deg up line a little longer, start the 5/8 loop right after the roll and let the judges take a couple of points for not being centered.