
Legacy Member
I know Van designed and built one RV-5. It is my understanding it was a small, single seat craft designed for very inexpensive aviating, along the lines of the Humell Bird.

I'm curious, are there any pictures of it, size, empty weight, performance, etc.?
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Hey Bill,

It had a VW engine and the wing swiveled 90 degrees for trailoring. I've seen one picture of it but now can't think of it's location. Last I heard (if I remember) it's in the rafters at Van's old property.

Thanks Doug. That matches what I have heard as well but no one seems to have a picture. I don't want to build one or anything but I am interested in seeing a picture.
Some digging on the RV-5

Some RV-List poking around found the following.

designed by Van and built as a project by Eaa Chapter 105.
It was a test bed for Dave Carrs 1/2 VW. It was built sometime in the 1970's I think it is still hanging in the rafters at Van's.

The -5 was a single place pop-riveted swing wing/tow-it-home on Sunday evening 1/2VW powered "thing". It flew about 40
hours but there was not a decent engine available for it. Also, the
cockpit was not really large enough for an average person.

It was originally powered by a half- volkswagen engine, and later a rotax. Van said it would get 90-100mph on 3gph! Empty weight was just over 300lbs.

Van built the RV-5 back in the early 80's for the
"Contest" to build a flying recreational vehicle.

Unable to find a picture but Ill bet someone at EAA 105 can dig one up.

RV-5 Photo

If I remember correctly, the photo was in an RVator...a long time ago. I'm not at home right now...on business travel...but if I were at home I think I could find it. I'm thinking it appeared in an RVator about 10 years ago.
Man, that thing is Ug-LEEEE!


Kill it before it breeds!

:eek: CJ
As others mentioned, I saw a picture of it on an old RV calendar over at Jat Pratt's RV Central. I was inquiring about the RV-5 one day, and Jay dug out the old calendar and showed it to me and my dad.

When I was at Van's back a few months ago, I asked Scott Risen about it. He told me that he understood that one of Van's sons was restoring the old bird.

Who knows, it may resurface? Lookout CJ, you many be wanting to change your preference of RV's! :D
Captain_John said:
Man, that thing is Ug-LEEEE!
Couldn't have said it better.

It looks like Van streached his creative aircraft juices in the design. Notice the mid mounted wings and RV tail.

He also included a non-aircraft engine (It originally had 1/2 a VW on the nose.) and used pulled rivets.
Like a Phoenix

Did anyone notice the 2nd first flight of RV-5 mentioned in the last RVaitor?

It has been restored and flies again.
Thanks Bill, I was just gonna mention that! It was listed first in the "First flights" section, and I believe it was one of the Van's employees that restored and flew it.
the other morning I was sitting in the dining room drinking a cup of instant sanka and I grabbed the nearest book-- Jane's World Aircraft 1976--77.

Sure enough!!! It's mentioned-- pg. 400or 510 and something. FWIW

RV-3 and RV-5.
Pic of RV5

I have one - send me your phone info and I'll forward it to you. (Not smart enough to post it here - yet)

Where do you see an entry on the RV-5 on this page?

Not likely anywhere. That post is from 2005. As this site doesn?t save photos people have to host their pics elsewhere, and many pic hosting sites have come and gone over the years. Doesn?t work out well for archives.
The mystery is how Van could fit inside to fly it. It doesn't appear to have space for legs, even with the pedals up front, under the crankcase.

The mystery is how Van could fit inside to fly it. It doesn't appear to have space for legs, even with the pedals up front, under the crankcase.

Maybe it's a pusher with a canard and we're seeing it all wrong :D:p:D
The mystery is how Van could fit inside to fly it. It doesn't appear to have space for legs, even with the pedals up front, under the crankcase.


Hey Dan, if you could fit in the RV-1, you can fit in the -5...oh....never mind....;)
I flew up to the mothership wednesday to pick up a battery. At the counter they said to be sure and look at the -5 in the hanger. Should have taken a picture.

I was told that it is being fixed up to fly again. Apparently it will have a Rotax, two cycle to give some real power. The skins have been cleaned back to bare metal, looks almost ready for some paint. The wing, one piece, seemed huge, lot of span and chord. Tail surfaces, cowl and upper fairings for the fueselage were not present.

It was quite advanced for its time in that all the visible rivets were pop, most likely from the local hardware store.

As for its looks, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it is a true example.
It was quite advanced for its time in that all the visible rivets were pop, most likely from the local hardware store.
As for its looks, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it is a true example.

I'll bet NOT!!