
Active Member
Well I?m relatively new to the RV market but do know quite a bit about the planes. I am looking into buying a completed RV-4 that was finished in the early 2000?s and am curious as to what a fair price would be. The airplane is equipped with a factory new AEIO-360 and new hartzel CS prop. The times on the plane are right at 400hrs TT on everything. The panel is basic VFR 6 pack with digital garmin com and transponder. The plane is still unpainted so I would be able to make it my own! The interior is nothing fancy just cloth seats and painted side panels.
Any input would be great
Why does it have a new engine and prop? Was there a prop strike? Are the logs complete? Post some pics and it will help but seems like it would go for around 45K.
Why does it have a new engine and prop? Was there a prop strike? Are the logs complete? Post some pics and it will help but seems like it would go for around 45K.

I think he means it was a new engine and prop when the plane was built.
Price guess

I was going to say low 40s if it is built right . . . hard to say without seeing it though. Figure $6-8K for a simple interior and paint job (plus some time). More if you want to get fancy.

Also, how much does it weigh?

Tall gear?

A lot of other questions to figure the price . . .

I was going to say low 40s if it is built right . . . hard to say without seeing it though. Figure $6-8K for a simple interior and paint job (plus some time). More if you want to get fancy.

Also, how much does it weigh?

Tall gear?

A lot of other questions to figure the price . . .


I agree with Rick,, about 40k, pics would help, or a link to the web site....
Sounds like you would need paint $$, and eventually (if ADS-B rules stay) a panel $$$. It seems any -4 that is advertised for more than 50k tend to stay on the market for quite a while, regardless if they "need anything". Who really knows what they really sell for though.

Depends on what you want out of the plane if the 360 C/S adds value or just unnecessary expense and weight. If you do a significant amount of reading from those that have "flown em all" the general consensus is that a light 320 fixed pitch RV-4 is the most balanced and best flying. An AEIO anything with 400TT would be nice though, and picking your own paint instead of "accepting" someone else's version of the perfect paint job would add value to you. (maybe not the next guy)

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My son Peter just bought a low time 1986 RV-4 for $30,000.
This price gets a well built basic bird with O-320 & fixed pitch prop. It has simple everything and sparse old avionics.
I've ridden in it, what a hoot! I know it's common on this forum to talk up fancy panels, interiors & paint jobs, but a basic RV-4 that is light and simple is a joy in itself. :D
Wow. That is well bought.

He must have great negotiating skills. I had been looking for a long while, and I never saw a 30k -4 that I would spend a phone call on.

RV-4 Price

Someone is gonna have to explain to me why an airplane that cost over $60K + to build will now have a resale value in the low 40K???:eek:

I can see a trend on this forum toward putting a value on the -4 at totally ridiculous level...Going by the flavor of the day an RV-3 is now worth more than a -4...

Pleassssse , be serious would you guys..

Nobody is gonna get my -4 for $30K and it is a 1986 model...

Just my $0.02

How many experimental airplanes sell for what they cost to build? I think the answer is not very many - and the RV series are some of the few that do, but that's not the reason most people build ... If you need to sell the question is what's it worth to a buyer?

This same discussion (value of an RV-4) was had a month or so ago. The seller wanted $50K firm - don't remember the exact specs - but that seemed at the top end of the range for the airplane. The answer is really how much do you want that airplane? How much can you afford and can you wait a month or 3? Seems that most RV-4s sell in the $30 to $50K range - sounds like Shipchief's son is on to a real winner. I agree with RV Wannabe, an RV-4 on the market for >$50 is likely to hang around for several months. If a paint job is $5K, it doesn't seem reasonable to knock that off a $40K airplane. If this airplane is straight, has long gear, is well finished and is tidy under the cowling I would have thought mid to high 40s?

Logic says it should be worth more, but that seems to be what buyers are paying for RV-4s at the moment, going by posts here.

If you want to fly aerobatics the empty weight & cg position are key, as with that engine & prop the stick loads might be high. I know of a well equipped 4 with an O-320 and c/s prop that weighs just over 950lb. Anything over 1000lb might be too heavy?

Get a good pre-buy, and decide how much longer you want to wait!

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I can only say that you probably don't want to sell your RV-4.
However, there are RV-4s advertized recently in the $30K range, and final selling prices are usually lower than asking prices.
Right now, EAB aircraft prices are suffering the same as certified aircraft prices. The economy is down. Even the most price stable off all aircraft, the Cessna 172/182 have low prices. We hope this will turn around and the good life can return for everyone.
The problem with this thread is most of the focus in on the olded RV-4's. The age and condition of the airframe, engine and avionics will have a huge impact on the price. I can buy a Cessna 172 for $20,000 but people are still paying $200,000 + for a new one. Not everyone wants a tired aircraft. An RV-4 on my field recently sold for over $60k and it was over 10 years old.
Someone is gonna have to explain to me why an airplane that cost over $60K + to build will now have a resale value in the low 40K???:eek:

I can see a trend on this forum toward putting a value on the -4 at totally ridiculous level...Going by the flavor of the day an RV-3 is now worth more than a -4...

Pleassssse , be serious would you guys..

Nobody is gonna get my -4 for $30K and it is a 1986 model...

Just my $0.02


The problem with this thread is most of the focus in on the olded RV-4's. The age and condition of the airframe, engine and avionics will have a huge impact on the price. I can buy a Cessna 172 for $20,000 but people are still paying $200,000 + for a new one. Not everyone wants a tired aircraft. An RV-4 on my field recently sold for over $60k and it was over 10 years old.

Unless one already has an engine, $45,000 is ABOUT the low number you are going to build a practical VFR -4 for. I'm well over $60,000.00 into mine. I'd take an axe to it before giving it away for $40,000. ...Yes I am that hardheaded :p
Wow. That is well bought.

He must have great negotiating skills. I had been looking for a long while, and I never saw a 30k -4 that I would spend a phone call on.


They are out there. I sold mine last year for 35000. 0320 with a brand new paint job and Catto 3 blade. 700 tteaf
There was a thread very much like this one but i think it was in the general discussion area and was removed after two weeks of inactivity.

Some things as far as workmanship will vary with each aircraft and add to or take away from the value in general. Im wondering what other aspects may add or detract from the value such as mods.

How big of a hit should the value take on a -4 when there is firewall wrinkles or cracks that are nonstructural. How much value is added to a -4 built with the new style gussets, how much is added for one thats been retrofitted? is there a greater value to the ones that were built with the thicker tail skins, retrofitted skins? Those things should imho add some value. The thicker skins, one may argue, add weight and if properly built the thinner ones are better though.

Other mods will arguably add or subtract to the value depending on what the buyer is seeking. C/s or fixed. Short gear or long. Conical mount or dynafocal. Electric or manual flaps or trim. Filtered air box or ram air.

Even a glass dash may cause one guy to run and another to be willing to shell out for it.

Mods that imho may add to the value would be (aside from what was mentioned above) sam james cowl, plenumn and wheel pants, or vans pressure recovery pants. Tailwheel enhancements, upgraded seats and harnesses, a crack free and spotless canopy, footwells for pax, good pilot and pax heating and cool air flow, rv6 or hr tanks would add a lot as they have to be built in and not added on after and mounted further outboard like most extended range tanks.

There are a few sliders out there....

What about a fast back? How much is that worth?

And a fastback with a slider?

Im interested for insurance purposes since im finishing up a fb sliding canopy -4 right now...
There was a thread very much like this one but i think it was in the general discussion area and was removed after two weeks of inactivity.

Off topic but maybe this will clear up some misunderstanding--

The only threads removed after two weeks are those in the Temp/Misc forum. Everything else, except classifieds, are in the forum archives forever.

Back to our regular programming. :)
RV-4 's value

Deal Fair
''I'd take an axe to it before giving it away for $40,000. ...Yes I am that hardheaded ''
Well it makes two of us, I'll burn it before .......Nah I couldn't do that, love it too much..

As some says...value varies a lot with the condition of the a/c..I've seen a -4 around here for sale for $50K and it was so beat up the owner would have had to pay me to buy it...It is still there..

Mine is costing me well over $80( I know I put too much into it but for me it is the best or nothing ) but it is IFR , 3 blade prop ,Glass etc...and is also an Oshkosh winner so it must be worth something to someone..

Also it is easier to strip it down than up if required..


My buying experience March 2014

A lot of factors go into bad does the seller need to sell it and how bad do you want to buy it?
I made an offer after my pre-buy inspection was complete. I was present for the pre-buy so the A&P was able to explain any squawks or potential issues to me on the spot.

Simple 1994 RV-4, steam guages, Day/Night VFR, 160hp O-320 with 2000 hrs TT, 500 hrs TTAF, fixed pitch wood prop, recently replaced mags, new harnesses, 950 lbs empty weight. Compressions 75+/- all around and good oil analysis. Flies straight, built very well according to the A&P's assessment. Paint top quality from a well known professional, always hangared.
I ended up paying for the pre-buy inspection, well worth the money!
All said and done I paid $34,700. I was happy with the price and that is what each buyer has to ask themselves.


I guess if any of these nice RV-4 airplanes are selling for as low as they are now would be a good time to buy one because it sure is a **** of a lot of fun for the money! I was sad when I sold my RV-3B because I wasn't sure I would have that same WOW what a great flying airplane feeling again, but I can say that my RV-4 is just as fun as my 3 and I can bring someone else along also. To me the 4 flys just as good as the 3 and maybe feels even better in some ways. If you can find a well built great flying RV-4 for anywhere under 50k buy it now.
Someone is gonna have to explain to me why an airplane that cost over $60K + to build will now have a resale value in the low 40K???:eek:

I can see a trend on this forum toward putting a value on the -4 at totally ridiculous level...Going by the flavor of the day an RV-3 is now worth more than a -4...

Pleassssse , be serious would you guys..

Nobody is gonna get my -4 for $30K and it is a 1986 model...

Just my $0.02


I have to agree nobody will get my 4 for less than I have in it
I would highly recommend not buying a -4 or -6 for that matter just because it is cheap.

Built quality is a big issue on the -4s and -6s. I have seen some I would not fly if given to me and others that are works of art and well worth 60K+.

There can be some difficult and expensive repairs found in a poorly built plane.

I don't know how familiar you are with this model but carefully examine as many as possible, also seek out those who have built -4s there is much to learn. And as you know this site is an excellent source of information on all models of RVs.

There is usually a greater value in a plane with a higher price that is clearly very well build, equipped and maintained.

Good Luck with your search.

Glenn Wilkinson