
Well Known Member
Hello All-

I suspect for my flight from Chicago to Lakeland next week with my son that I'll need a sun shade:) So what's everyone using??

Sun Shade

You can buy a cheap fabric sun shade, usually in auto section of a store, that is circular and costs less than $5.00, it attaches to canopy bubble with 2 attached suction cups. Then if you have direct sun you want to block you can take any piece of paper, 8 x 11, or so and stick it between the gap that's caused by the suction cups that holds the shade in place. You move it to whereever you need it. Works for me in my RV-4
The best and most cost effective that I have found are the static (plastic rubber like) rectangular window shades. They cost about $5 each and you can easily cut them. I used 3 of them and cut them in different shapes so it would easily take the shape of the bubble.

Second that

The best and most cost effective that I have found are the static (plastic rubber like) rectangular window shades. They cost about $5 each and you can easily cut them. I used 3 of them and cut them in different shapes so it would easily take the shape of the bubble.


I've used them on many a pond crossings in fighters. They are easy to adjust to keep up with the sun. You can usually find them in the baby section at Target or Walmart.
FYI, I ended up replacing my canopy cause the previous owner applied one of those plastic sun shade squares and left it on. By the time I tried to remove it it was one with the canopy. So be sure to remove it after each use.