The Swede

Active Member
Hello, great forum you guys have here!

Just baught a partially finished RV4 kit.

Plans are to keep it simple and the aim for now is building for day VFR use only. Will have one strobe on top of the VS and with the kit came a Whelen A610 strobe light but no power supply.

Will an A490 T1-14 power supply work?

Is there a LED strobe with built in power supply that that would fit in the original recess for a reasonable price?

Thanks, Carl
At Oshkosh I looked at some very cool Whelan LED strobes with the same form factor as their traditional product line, but no power supply is required. All that is needed is #20 wire for power and ground. I forget the price, but to avoid the power supply, it would be worth it. When my supply dies, I will replace all 3 strobes with LEDs and save a pound or two. The shielded cable from the supply to the wing tips and tail probably weighs that much...
Vote #2 for going LED. If you want simple and light, forget the power supply and install LED strobes instead. My -6 came with a strobe and remote power supply. I hope the power supply never fails, as i'd be forced to replace it with an LED and that means diving down the tail cone to rewire... :p
I recommend you call PSA Enterprises and ask to speak with Bob. He designed/built the lights and can answer any of your questions. He's been very helpful in the past.
Jerry Folkerts
Ok, so LED it will be.

I found this from PSA;

Anyone that could recommend what cable yo use? Do I need a screen for this application? Can I ground the LED strobe to the VS or should I use cable with gruond/supply and ground it to the circuitboard common ground?

Guess I will need a flasher like this then?

/ Carl

I am not familiar with the PSA unit and a quick look at the website did not provide me with much detail, so my responses will be with respect to the Whelan unit, though I would expect both units are similar.

With the Whelan unit, no flasher or external power supply (or circuitry) is required. By screen, I assume you mean shielding in the cable. Shielded cable is not required with the Whelan LED strobe. I believe you can ground to the air frame, though it may be better practice to run a ground line back to a common ground point. As was mentioned above, contacting the manufacturers will provide more (and better) info.

Good luck,