Paul Best

RV-4 with sliding canopy!

Hopefully I am posting a picture of my RV-4 with a sliding canopy and retractable landing gear. There has been some discussion on the RV-4 forum about sliding canopys and I wanted to show readers mine. Regards, Paul Best
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Hi Paul,
Very interesting....retract RV4! Can we get a closer look and some more details of the functioning system? Who did the engineering on this project for the retracting system?
Regards, :cool:
Retractable RV-4!

Dayton and Pierre,
My RV-4 was built by Bryan Carr of Langley, B.C. This is the fourth RV-4 that he had built. Since this aircraft, he has built an RV-6A for his wife that she still flys, an RV-8 that he sold, a beautiful Harmon Rocket, and I understand that he's building an RV-9 now. The landing gear and system was available at the time Bryan started my plane. As I understand it, he bought the gear from a man who's project stalled. It was intended for a Glasair. The hydraulic system is the same motorized pump that is used to raise and lower the big Mercruiser outboard engines. I have seen the system that Glasair used and this is very similar. I have no engineering drawings to share. Bryan built the plane using his considerable ingenuity. I have been flying the plane for six years and other than a couple of small problems with microswitches, it has been trouble free. I do a retraction/extension test, including the emergency system, every six months. Once during my annual inspection and then again at the six month period. I'll try to post some photos showing some more detail of the gear later. Regards, Paul Best

Thanks for the info Paul. What kinda cruise speeds (which engine) do you see with the retracts? What is your empty weight also?
180 Lycoming with constant speed prop!

Hi again Pierre, The Van's red line on my airspeed indicator is at 210 mph. At 24 squared, let's just say that I'm way beyond that on a nice day with no turbulence. The engine is a Lycoming O-360 180 hp with constant speed prop. Regards, Paul
I forgot to say that when I bought the plane, the empty weight was 1108, but I've changed to a Sky Tec lightweight starter, so now I'm right at 1096 lbs. Paul
Im thinking of getting an RV-4, but have seen very little of them with a sliding canopy..I think it looks great, but are there any add-on kits, special mods...etc.?? any pro's and con's

Comments greatly appreciated..also photo's would be nice too.. Thanks

I think I have seen pictures of a -4 with a slider, so I am pretty sure it's been done, but the problem is that the airplane is short enough that there isn't anyplace for the canopy to go to clear the rear seater's head for ingress/egress. the -8 is longer, and it is about as short as you can get to allow the canopy to go back far enough.
Thanks for the input Paul..I didnt think of the short fuselage...too bad. looks like you have a pretty interesting day job. I got to fly the shuttle sim back in 2001 (per 9/11) . A few of the shuttle tech's also took care of Collings F-4 at Ellington. I flew the TBM Avenger, and B-25 when they were there. Also flew with Randy Breznick before he joined the Shuttle program ..with the Yak demo team... But the RV-4 looks like a lot of fun..m aybee I'll do a x-country to EFB when I get my bird !!

RV-4 Slider

I have a RV-4 slider, but I didn't build it so can not be very helpful about the plans, etc. The original builder is a WWII vet, had built an RV-3 first. He said it took him six months and hardest part of the airplane to build. Here's an older picture and I still don't know how to post them except with a link:


Pros- looks sexy.
Cons- PIA to get to the back instrument panel, and some effort for an old man to get in the front. Plenty of room for the rear passenger. PM or e-mail me if you want any additional info. I could take more pictures.

Bill McLean
Here are some pics I took of my friend John Kalisz's RV-4 that he converted last year. John is a Lockheed Technical Fellow (Design Engineer) and repeat offender. As you can see, John is a craftsman :) Rosie








Fastback slider

One way around the limited access would be to build a fastback fuselage. There would be less canopy length, the sliding portion, both fore and aft, allowing full access to the rear seat. A Todd's canopy could be used putting more space in front of the pilot, some say it can be moved forward six inches, and some say there is more room for the rear passenger. Yes, it would require a riveted forward skin reducing panel access, read no nutplates. Those of us who built a 6 or 6A spent a lot of time on our backs or you could make the panel itself removable as I did. Ten screws backed out and the panel was in my lap (leave excess wire runs for this!) This is the plan for the 4 I am building.
Pros- sexy and supposedly up to five knots faster.
Cons- the engineering aspect.
Nice pics of the sliders. I imagine this would add hundreds of man hours to the projects time. Anyone want to fess up? :D

Not sure what to do with the canopy when I get to that. I do want to go the fastback route. I?ve looked at some outstanding workmanship on a handful of 4?s, but the one thing I?ve seen so far on all of them is about a 3/32nd gap that tapers off to 0 after about s 2? run. I?ve noticed it on standard canopies as well as fastbacks. It?s upfront where it is hinged, and I believe the skins overlap. I suppose it has to be done like this to keep from rubbing the fuselage, but gosh I imagine that has a lot of air coming in. What do most do, just put tape over it when they get inside or just leave it?

I haven?t seen any sliders in person, but it seems like it would seal better. Would a tip-up or even tip-back toward the tail section on 4's be impractical to consider as well due to the room issues? Even if it was a fastback?

Hey John:

The biggest problem is the length of the cockpit -- It's too short to allow room for the nose gunner to get into his seat, unless you push the w/s fwd, which then makes access to the back of the inst panel tough.

The razorback option will help dramatically, as the canopy slider section will be shorter.

Now, you could follow my lead and install a doubler along the upper longerons, and use nutplates/screws to allow for removal of the whole w/s-fwd skin assy.

Then again, you could build an F-4 'Rocket Lite', which would enable you to have your cake, and eat it too.

Carry on!
Slider at the geedunk

Of course the real issue is why add alot of time, effort and not to mention weight to add a canopy bow, rails and associated hardware to reduce your field of vision? One of the coolest things about the F16/RV4 was a great, unobstructed view. The first time I flew an Eight I really noticed "the bow". The simplicity and great visibility of the RV4/HR2 tilt-over is time proven.

This is much better:

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Consider Accidental Opening in flight.

A mate of mine lost his bog standard 4 canopy in flight. It separated cleanly and he was able to land safely. I would be reluctant to even put gas springs on the thing.

Cool thing was a farmer found the canopy in a tree absolutely undamaged. This was after he had built a new one from the insurance.


Yeesh. 10/10 for Visibility, but 3/10 for looks... That's horrible. The bulbous canopy line at the leading edge doesn't fit with the nice lines of the RV.

I flew in many sliding-canopy RV's (6, 7, 8, Rocket) before buying my tip-up 6, and never noticed the bow. Now that I have a tip-up, I agree the visibility is better, but I know i'm going to pay the price come summertime and I have to taxi under that greenhouse.
My RV-4 slider

I first flew my -4 in 2006, but just had it painted last year. We used an rv-8 canopy and roll bar with everything cut down to fit the -4 fuse. Canopy by Todd. Love it. I would only trade for an evo wing F-4 Rocket light with 200HP, maybe a turbo for flying high ;)

