Best RV 4 Seats

After breaking my pelvis in 2001 and with it 3 herniated disks in my lumbar, I'm back flying again because of Oregon Aero. I can now do 2 hrs in the RV 4 before I need to get out. They will mold the seats to fit you if needed as they did in my case.

With the original seats I had shooting pain in my back and down my leg within the 1st 20 minutes. There was no way I could buy the plane like this. The deal I had with the seller is if Oregon Aero seats worked for me, he had a sale.

They worked way better than I expected, he had a sale and I'm the new owner.

Do skimp on the seats unless you're young and have a good back.
Another Option...

Hi Tony,

Well my old back will not let me use any foam other than that from Oregon Aero. It works!! You can have your cushions sent to Abby at Flightline Interiors for upholstery any way you want. She & her crew will take good care of you. You won't find anyone nicer to deal with either. Run a search here.

Comfort really counts on long x-countries. Oregon Aero has made their bones.

My dos centavos.

Have fun,

Ooops, Meant Steve; but hello anyway Tony.
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