
Well Known Member
What seat cushions have builders used for both the front and back seats of their RV-4 and where were they upholstered? I would be interested to see some pictures too. If anyone has rolled their own seat cushions I am interested in the foam materials used.

Does Vans provide cushion templates?

Thanks in advance.
Oregon Aero

I think you will be hard pressed to beat Oregon Aero cushions for comfort. I use my -4 for comutting. My "hand rolled" seats were killing me. Phillip Campbell, here, turned me on to the OA cushions. I just threw in the bare cushion to try & thought a MIRACLE had been performed. It transformed my 2 hour trips into pure joy. I was shocked at the difference. OA will send them to you raw or upholster them for you.

They are a bit pricy; but I'm telling ya, the comfort is outstanding. Don't ask me why the difference. I used to think "foam" was "foam"; but it obviously isn't. I can now put in a 6 to 8 hour trip, get out & walk. Whereas the old cushions just killed me in 45 minutes. The difference is just amazing. Sure made an Oregon Aero believer out of me.

Best to you & good luck,
Indeed, Oregon Aero provides the most comfortable seat I have ever sat in. They are worth every penny. I even have a seat cushion for my wife in the car, made by Oregon Aero. Their seats now days are much better than the older ones that were great also. The new seats settle to you fast, even when it is cold out.

There are several suppliers out there that make good looking seats for RV's, but Oregon Aero outshines with the inner material. These seats are better than I know how to explain. You owe it to yourself to check them out. They also consider ergonomics. After a few hours I always appreciate them.
Oregon Aero

Not cheap but really comfortable and that is more important than cost!!

There is nothing worse than being uncomfortable or in pain when flying. I got mine upholstered locally in the Midlands in leather, cost ?500. I think there are some photos on my blog which can be accessed from RVUK.
Its Oregon Aero

Not cheap but really comfortable and that is more important than cost!!

There is nothing worse than being uncomfortable or in pain when flying. I got mine upholstered locally in the Midlands in leather, cost ?500. I think there are some photos on my blog which can be accessed from RVUK.

So it looks like I will go Oregon Aero and get the cushions covered locally in Switzerland or Germany.

Steve, I could not find any pictures on your site unfortunately.

Thanks anyway all of you who answered my thread with a unanimous vote for Oregon Aero

Hi Anthony

I will post a photo of the front seat now for you. They make them to suit your body size and will put in extra lumbar support for you. As I have two crushed discs I found this very important.

They are very comfortable to sit in!......

Sorry I can only post the front seat as the back one is in the aeroplane which is masked up.
I would love to hear other feedback, but thought that I would chime in on the history. We started building seats (DJ's Custom Interiors) in the late 80's. We have been using conforfoam (temperfoam) since the beginning. Originally builders would tell us that you could sit in our seats twice as long as traditional seats, and that your bladder and the fuel capacity were the limiting factors. Much of our desig has been cloned now, and O.A. has taken a completely different approach to the use of the foam. However we are still making seats the same as we always have. Custom fit to the pilot's dimensions, and in the case of the -3 and -4, the aircraft's dimensions. They are still made by hand in our shop from hundreds of choices in fabric colors and patterns. With thousands of custom sets in the skies our seats have been very popular.

I rolled my own

What seat cushions have builders used for both the front and back seats of their RV-4 and where were they upholstered? I would be interested to see some pictures too. If anyone has rolled their own seat cushions I am interested in the foam materials used.

Does Vans provide cushion templates?

Thanks in advance.

He is a link to some pictures of my seats. I added extra padding and support On the front seat, so that I would have better support for my legs. I have been pleased with the results...
Becki Orndorf did a good job for me. You can see a picture here.

Hi Steve,

How are you? Still in Austria?

I have Becki Orndorf's site bookmarked and I did like the way your seat turned out in G-IKON. Did you use Oregon Air foam for the cushions? How comfortable do you find your seats on a cross country?


Hi Tony,

You are wise to do this planning. Check out Pierre Smith's thread on Question for Medical Community - Sciatica Problems.

Best regards,
Hi Tony,

You are wise to do this planning. Check out Pierre Smith's thread on Question for Medical Community - Sciatica Problems.

Best regards,

Thanks Deal, I have taken a look at Pierre's thread and I have found it very interesting and have I have also tagged it for follow up.

One criteria of my 4 construction, is to build light. However for pilot comfort and well being, this criteria is going to take a back burner.

How are you? Still in Austria?

I have Becki Orndorf's site bookmarked and I did like the way your seat turned out in G-IKON. Did you use Oregon Air foam for the cushions? How comfortable do you find your seats on a cross country?

Becki supplied ALL the materials, I just chose the colour/quality of the exterior. I am very happy with the comfort.

As to Austria yes, best snowfall for 30 years I am told. It was becoming hard for them to know where to put it, but now the sun has returned and its just great skiing.
Check your private messages.

I have Charlie, I have also sent you an email. I really appreciate your help here. VAF is a great resource with very helpful people. It's worth every penny I donate to Doug each year as an information source and a great help point.
The backs are regular upholstery foam like you'd get at Hobby Lobby or similar.

The bottoms are Temperfoam layers. Soft over medium, IIRC... but it might be medium over firm. I can't recall for certain.

The foam is easy to carve with an electric knife. Just don't let wifey see you take it from the kitchen.
He is a link to some pictures of my seats. I added extra padding and support On the front seat, so that I would have better support for my legs. I have been pleased with the results...
ok.... it looked simple until you got the leather..... WOW those look fantastic!

now for a stupid question. the leather upholstery you pulled over the foam construction that you'd gone to the trouble to demonstrate with the photo-journal.
didn't the leather upholstery also have additional foam padding in it to poof up each of the rolls in the rolled center section and the side bolsters too? And, are the seams dividing the center section and the bolsters sewn through the foundation foam from your previous pictures? otherwise, i'd imagine more of a trampoline flat surface from the edges of your pictured multilayered foam foundation base. (see... i told you it was stupid)
Pain in the...

Hi Tony,
Excellent inputs from all of the above, I have enjoyed a set of Becky's seats with NASA foam inserts in my RV4 and the Oregon Aero premade cushions in my HR2. Both are excellent products.

However comma, on my RVX I decided to be a bit more DIY oriented and in a cost savings mode. I purchased memory foam mattress covers on line, cut it to fit myself and outsourced my covers. The result was very comfortable seats for 1/2 the cost.

For what it's worth...
Hi Tony,
Excellent inputs from all of the above, I have enjoyed a set of Becky's seats with NASA foam inserts in my RV4 and the Oregon Aero premade cushions in my HR2. Both are excellent products.

However comma, on my RVX I decided to be a bit more DIY oriented and in a cost savings mode. I purchased memory foam mattress covers on line, cut it to fit myself and outsourced my covers. The result was very comfortable seats for 1/2 the cost.

For what it's worth...

I am always grateful for your input Smokey.

To be honest I think I could source memory foam here in Switzerland or even go to an Automobile "Bling" shop to see what they have on offer. This would save shipping and import tax. However putting in just one order and getting a very comfortable seat in return is also highly desirable as you are not chasing around. Becky's website is bookmarked and I am seriously considering using her services because of the feedback on this thread.

Thanks everyone who have responded to this thread with constructive suggestions and opinions.

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why not join forces on the seats


I hope you are doing all right and all the best.

Re the seat cushions: I am in the process of sourcing new seats for my -4 (however the ones which came with the RV-4 are surpisingly comfortable - no issues on flying legs over to the UK, ca. 330 NM and +/- ca. 2:10 of flying; however after 2:30 hrs I just want to get out of the RV-4 actually ... at the size of 6,3" and 210 lbs):



As I am facing the same tax/shipment issues you are I am thinking of getting seats made here by a car upholsterer who did my interior on the Robin:



What I am thinking about is:
- we make up our mind on the material we want (ie. temper foam, grey fireproof cloth)
- I go and see my upholsterer and get a quote for 2 sets
- we get the seats done with my seats as the master
- my brother who lives in St. Gallen can take your set with him in the car (so no shipment and no tax for you ... with a bit of luck).

I am in no hurry so we can take our time for this in the next couple of month.

Just let me know what you think

or the other way round ..

.... you get the stuff done in Switzerland and my brother brings the seats with him to Germany.

Either way we could save costs.


Well, I just received my new to me seats for my RV-4...

Oregon Aero Confort foam everywhere.. Leather and sheep skin... done locally for a rediculously low price..

This puppy can't wait for that first long cross is like been seated on Cloud 9

Now I need to spend a few $$ on my wifey if I wanna be able to enjoy them..good trade off..:D

Cheers to all
