
Well Known Member
IFR operations adds several elements to flying, information management, backup systems, and workload. This thread is to share how we [pilots] manage the workload and information. The answers will help all pilots and the "cockpit management" tricks are especially useful to the tandem airplanes where there is less available space.


  • Primary charts: do you use paper charts, an EFB, or EFIS?
  • Backup charts: do you use paper charts, an EFB, or EFIS?
  • Backup charts: where do you have your backup charts - stowed, left knee board, right knee board, panel?
  • Transient information: where do you write ATC instructions - left knee board, right knee board, panel, stowed pad, memorize?
  • Backup systems: where is your backup systems - panel mounted, portable stowed, portable "in reach"?
  • Backup systems: do you have any secondary or tertiary backup material or equipment stowed (what and where)?

Feel free to reply with your answers or additional materials that will help other pilots fly safe!
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  • Primary charts: do you use paper charts, an EFB, or EFIS?
    I'm using a combination of paper charts and EFIS. The paper charts are faster for me to extract the DA/MDA info, missed approach info, etc. The EFIS is the actual flight plan for the active approach.
  • Backup charts: do you use paper charts, an EFB, or EFIS?
    My backup charts are an iPad and the previously mentioned paper charts. I don't carry paper for every approach, only the ones I expect. The iPad has all of them.
  • Backup charts: where do you have your backup charts - stowed, left knee board, right knee board, panel?
    Currently I am in "training mode" so the paper charts are on a mini clipboard stuck on the lower forward right panel (the one usually used for switches and breakers). This is out of the way and yet still visible and I need reach. The iPad is on a knee board on my left leg. The iPad location is workable but not ideal.
    In reality, there should be no difference between "training mode" and "real mode".
  • Transient information: where do you write ATC instructions - left knee board, right knee board, panel, stowed pad, memorize?
    This is where things start getting unworkable. I have some 3x5 post-it note stuck to the face of the iPad for "CRAFT" and transient radio frequency changes, "expect" instructions, etc.
  • Backup systems: where is your backup systems - panel mounted, portable stowed, portable "in reach"?
    My backup EFIS is in the panel and simple - does not have moving map, navigation, etc, . I also use Garmin Pilot on the iPad on the kneeboard. I also have a handheld radio which sits in the footwell of the RV-8 (down beside the Pilot seat). This isn't feasible when there is a passenger of safety pilot in the back. The radio is the near term solution as I'd prefer a panel mounted radio. This is a case where my choice or remoting my primary radio was not too bright. If I were to lose my EFIS display, I lose the ability to tune my radio.
  • Backup systems: do you have any secondary or tertiary backup material or equipment stowed (what and where)?
    At this point, everything is within reach and it makes for a very cluttered cockpit.

I tried two knee boards and that wasn't feasible.

I suspect some panel layouts would make it possible for more materials to be up on the panel but tandem panels are not as big so there are definite limits.

I hope to get some tips from those who are already down this path ;)
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Primary charts: do you use paper charts, an EFB, or EFIS?

EFB; iPad

Backup charts: do you use paper charts, an EFB, or EFIS?


Backup charts: where do you have your backup charts - stowed, left knee board, right knee board, panel?


Transient information: where do you write ATC instructions - left knee board, right knee board, panel, stowed pad, memorize?

Usually memory but if complicated (or initial clearance on ground) I carry a small pad on left side of cockpit.

Backup systems: where is your backup systems - panel mounted, portable stowed, portable "in reach"?

In panel; Dynon D10A

Backup systems: do you have any secondary or tertiary backup material or equipment stowed (what and where)?

No tertiary
I recently started filing and flying IFR after a 10y hiatus (of IFR flying) after a successful IPC in a Cessna. After the IPC, I logged about 10h flying IFR in VMC so that I could get my flow down and figure out logistics like the ones you have raised.

Currently, I am flying with a Dynon D10 with backup 6 pack, Garmin CNX80 and MX20, and second com and trutrak autopilot with alt hold.

In one month, it all goes into the shop for a complete Garmin glass makeover with dual G3x touches, G5, and full AP, etc. and I figure that my getting rid of the rust will help a great deal in accommodating the change.

With that, here are my answers to your questions:

Primary charts: do you use paper charts, an EFB, or EFIS?
Foreflight primary on right kneeboard.

Backup charts: do you use paper charts, an EFB, or EFIS?
CNX80/MX20 provide approach data and fixes as well as MDA/DH/DP

Backup charts: where do you have your backup charts - stowed, left knee board, right knee board, panel? No paper at all.

Transient information: where do you write ATC instructions - left knee board, right knee board, panel, stowed pad, memorize?
Left kneeboard not fastened that is then stowed in right footwell.

Backup systems: where is your backup systems - panel mounted, portable stowed, portable "in reach"?
All electric panel and electric ignition, so if the electrical system fails there are bigger problems. Dual batteries, dual independent busses with the ability to crossfeed.

Backup systems: do you have any secondary or tertiary backup material or equipment stowed (what and where)?

Hope this helps.
I have an RV-6A with a little more room, but here's my setup...

Primary charts: do you use paper charts, an EFB, or EFIS?

G3X Touch and panel mounted iPad

Backup charts: do you use paper charts, an EFB, or EFIS?
EFB-iPad mini

Backup charts: where do you have your backup charts - stowed, left knee board, right knee board, panel?
Ram mount above left knee

Transient information: where do you write ATC instructions - left knee board, right knee board, panel, stowed pad, memorize?
Boogie Board Jot 4.5 (

Backup systems: where is your backup systems - panel mounted, portable stowed, portable "in reach"?
Panel Mount AvMap Ultra EFIS

Backup systems: do you have any secondary or tertiary backup material or equipment stowed (what and where)?
Stowed under armrest, but mountable. Handheld Sporty's SP-400 (ILS capable)
I have an RV4 with a GRT Hx for primary instruments and Garmin 430W for navigation. Garmin GDL-39 for navigation with iPads.

Primary charts: do you use paper charts, an EFB, or EFIS? iPad with Foreflight mounted on an actively cooled Xnaut holder / swivel mount.
Backup charts: do you use paper charts, an EFB, or EFIS? Backup iPad, and additional backup on iPhone.
Backup charts: where do you have your backup charts - stowed, left knee board, right knee board, panel? Backup iPad in rear seat (bag). iPhone up with me in right side pouch.
Transient information: where do you write ATC instructions - left knee board, right knee board, panel, stowed pad, memorize? Right knee board (light also installed above right knee for night flight).
Backup systems: where is your backup systems - panel mounted, portable stowed, portable "in reach"? Panel mount Dynon D6 / Panel Mount Garmin 496 for navigation.
Backup systems: do you have any secondary or tertiary backup material or equipment stowed (what and where)? Backup Radio (handheld) up front that can track a VOR / ILS if I'm really desperate :)

where do you have the swivel mount fixed?

Thanks for reminding me - my handheld does have a dumb navy receiver. I will try flying it at some point when I have a safety pilot with me. As you say "when things get really desperate).
I mounted a ball the mount can attach too front right, as close to where the canopy closes as I could while still having it stay clear. It actually blocks my view of the Garmin 496, but that is only going to be needed if the 430 and all the iPads quit working :)

I'll see if I can get a photo next time I'm at the hangar (tomorrow weather permitting).
IFR setup

I don't have an 8, but this is my 6A setup:

Primary Charts: iFly 720 on a Ram mount right side of panel

Backup Charts: Samsung 7 phone clipped to my kneeboard

Transient Info: Kneeboard on right leg

Backup Systems: I have a Trutrak IV EFIS backed up up by a G5 PFD, an iLevil ADHRS displayed on the iFly 720 and a Trutrak PFD. Nav data is from a Garmin 400W backed up by a VAL Nav 2000 radio and a Sportys SP400 handheld on a Ram mount on the left side. There is also a Garmin 560 on the left side of the panel. I have two panel mounted MGL V6 coms. I just ordered a VAL INS 429 nav radio/CDI/glideslope/marker beacon receiver which will replace the Trutrak PFD. The pilot is backed up by Trutrak autopilot with straight and level button. I have backup batteries for the Trutrak EFIS, G5 and iFly 720. Weather data is from XM radio on the Garmin 560 backed up by ADSB displayed on the iFly 720. If the VAL INS 429 works as advertised, I think (hope) my setup will be sufficiently redundant. Other systems could use some attention.

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IFR operations adds several elements to flying, information management, backup systems, and workload. This thread is to share how we [pilots] manage the workload and information. The answers will help all pilots and the "cockpit management" tricks are especially useful to the tandem airplanes where there is less available space.


  • RV-6A
  • Primary charts: do you use paper charts, an EFB, or EFIS?
    foreflight on panel mounted ipad; A little tough to use in the chop, but I love it for approach plates and wx tracking.
  • Backup charts: do you use paper charts, an EFB, or EFIS?
    foreflight on iphone. 430 / 396 / HXr are 3rd tier partial backups.
  • Backup charts: where do you have your backup charts - stowed, left knee board, right knee board, panel?
  • Transient information: where do you write ATC instructions - left knee board, right knee board, panel, stowed pad, memorize?
    unattached knee board on lap, some memorization. Pens, flashlights and batteries in a container between seats.
  • Backup systems: where is your backup systems - panel mounted, portable stowed, portable "in reach"?
    panel mount Mini-x; panel mounted 396 as next backup. Each run off separate batteries that are not the main ship battery
  • Backup systems: do you have any secondary or tertiary backup material or equipment stowed (what and where)?
    portable comm on floor next to seat cushion. flashlights and batteries between seats.

Feel free to reply with your answers or additional materials that will help other pilots fly safe!

extra characters for Doug
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RV-8 With Dual 7" Skyview, G430W/SL30 & iPad

Primary charts: do you use paper charts, an EFB, or EFIS?

All primary charts and approach plates on iPad via ForeFlight.

•Backup charts: do you use paper charts, an EFB, or EFIS?

I typically print approach plates for primary and alternate airport when IFR.

•Backup charts: where do you have your backup charts - stowed, left knee board, right knee board, panel?

Left knee board, this works well for me as I am left handed.

•Transient information: where do you write ATC instructions - left knee board, right knee board, panel, stowed pad, memorize?

I always make a mud map on my left kneeboard with key airport and nav info. I also write down transient info here as well i.e. xpdr code, freqs, clearances.

•Backup systems: where is your backup systems - panel mounted, portable stowed, portable "in reach"?

My backup is the iPad running ForeFlight hooked to a Stratus 2 for attitude/speed/alt info. My iPad is mounted in portrait format on the right hand side of the instrument panel over the top of the map box, that ironically no longer holds any maps.

•Backup systems: do you have any secondary or tertiary backup material or equipment stowed (what and where)?

I consider the iPad the back up to the dual screen Skyview (which has dual ADAHRS) and the two Garmin Nav/Com. But if worst comes to worst there is always ForeFlight on the iPhone.

Even though I mostly hand fly the aircraft I always make sure my autopilot is working before flying in IMC.


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  • Primary charts: do you use paper charts, an EFB, or EFIS?
I use an EFB: Garmin Pilot on an iPad Mini

  • Backup charts: do you use paper charts, an EFB, or EFIS?
I have 2 backups: Garmin FliteCharts on my EFIS and a 2nd copy of Garmin Pilot on my smartphone. Consequently I do not use paper at all, even in a backup capacity.

  • Backup charts: where do you have your backup charts - stowed, left knee board, right knee board, panel?
N/A (well my phone, one of my backups, is always in my pocket)

  • Transient information: where do you write ATC instructions - left knee board, right knee board, panel, stowed pad, memorize?
I use an unattached right kneeboard, but as I have an RV-10, typically when I'm done I move it off my leg on rest it between the front seats (same for my iPad)

  • Backup systems: where is your backup systems - panel mounted, portable stowed, portable "in reach"?
I have both panel mounted backups (2-screen EFIS that provide 2 redundant WAAS VFR GPS receivers, and a standalone backup mini-PFD) and portable in-reach (handheld transceiver and tertiary absolute emergency only attitude capability on the iPad off of a Garmin GDL39 3D ADS-B receiver)

  • Backup systems: do you have any secondary or tertiary backup material or equipment stowed (what and where)?
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