
Active Member
my new partner just sent our rv4 into the corn next to the runway. prop strike, engine tear down, wheel pants, looks like gear displaced so engine mount and firewall? don’t see any damage to wings but tailwheel bent so maybe empennage work. insurance is asking for 2 bids. central texas. walt not interested, call into jay pratt. any suggestions on other places to get repairs done. i’m flyer not a builder (maybe after retirement). thanks for help.
I am a former RV-4 builder. I can't help you directly. Can you take some pictures with cowl off? It could be as simple as replacing main gear leg and tail wheel stinger.... If the firewall, engine mounts damaged those can be replaced or repaired. It is work of course but it has been done many times.

I thought I posted something on this thread. If you want PM me. Good luck.
thanks for suggestions

Unfortunately, yes the firewall will need to be replaced although don't see any damage where engine mounts attach. Got recommendation for David Thibidoux whose shop is FAA repair station. He looked and is getting bid together.
I'll check in with other options listed.