
Is it true the RV-4 can be bought in a QB. I don't know if the other post is true... If so where can one find some info like prices and lead times? -Todd
rv 4 quick build

I don't see anything mentioned about a qb 4 on there.. why point them there.. ? I thought someone else was doing the rv4 qb and could be ordered from them instead..
Nor did I. I checked it over thouroughly too. The guy in the other thread sounded like he had some deal going that was not affialiated with Vans. He didn't seem too forthcoming with the info so I wanted to see if anyone else had some. :eek:
I contacted HPA directly to ask about this potentially exciting development. HPA replied (from CZ, not Florida) that they had done only two RV4 kits, with the agreement and blessing of Vans. So I guess you would have to ask Vans waht the (potential) deal might be.

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