Be Careful....

My advice, speaking from experience is to proceed cautiously.

What looks like a good deal may not necessarily work out that way in the end. If your keen to buy I suggest you have the project inspected by someone knowledgeable, and preferably someone who has RV or even better an RV4 as they will know what to look for, or lastly someone with metal experience.

Here are some of the things to take into consideration when buying a partially completed project.

What the seller believes is great workmanship may not be aligned to what you think is, or a A&P. (remember I'm speaking from experience)

Don?t assume that there have been no mistakes made during construction. As the RV4 isn?t pre punched, and even though all the major components may look straight, a lot depends on how well the construction jigs were made. A crooked jig = crooked component

You need to know what?s missing from the kit in order to complete the project, as the cost of these parts can be substantial.

FWIW - that project has been for sale for some time now, years IIRC

Proceed cautiously

Get a new kit and start from scratch, unless you know the builder, know the kit and workmanship, have someone who really knows RV4s inspect, not some random A and P.

I bought a project, A and P said fine, assured all Vans parts and strictly to plans.

I kept a few bits and sold the rest of for about a 15% of what I paid.

I'll never do that again. There are no shortcuts.

Cheers and good luck,

Just an FYI,
This appears to be a Canadian project and as such, has a had a "pre-cover inspection" by a group delegated by the feds(similar to FAA DAR) to do these inspections. Can't go wrong having an experienced builder look and you will find things/areas that may not be up to your standards but at least its had the workmanship looked at and documented. There should be an Inspection Report available.
One of the major differences for us canucks is having to get(and pay for) these inspections of the structure before its closed up.