
I'm New Here

I am new here and hope to get some good information on an RV4 Project I purchased to rebuild. (I hope).

Over the next few weeks I am sure I will have plenty of questions. I am not ashamed to ask questions when I don't know the answers, and even sometimes when I do, just to make sure!

The first issue is to determine if the damage is repairable.

The plane suffered a failed take off abort due to the engine not turning up but it was too late and already in the air. It jumped a ditch and landed hard in a field across from the runway. The pilot was not injured, thank goodness!

The damage resulted from the landing gear folding back under the wings.

So the engine mount broke and some firewall damage on the bottom but the worst damage is on the left wing were the landing gear punched through the skin.

Here are some pictures. Please take a look and give me your opinion/advise on whether it is repairable or not?




Thank you for your help!

Dan Willis
I'll bite...

That's a big job. The main spar flange is damaged and the main spar will have to come apart, to some extent, for inspection and repair. Is is repairable? Yes, with enough time and money. Parts are fairly cheap but drilling out those -6 spar rivets is not an easy task. First thing I'd do is remove the tank and start drilling the wing apart, get the skins off, and inspect. Advanced skills required for the spar, I should think. How is the forward fuselage?
Welcome to VAF!


I am new here and hope to get some good information on an RV4 Project I purchased to rebuild. (I hope).


Thank you for your help!

Dan Willis

Dan, welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D

Congrats on figuring out the photo posting on your first post;)


Thank you for the reply.

Have you done a repair/rebuild like this before?

The Spar itself is fine except for the short section of flange.

The gear did not touch the spar but the skin pulled the flange down as the skin failed from the impact of the gear.

Thanks Again!
Dan, been there done that. I can give you a few pointers when it comes to spar repair. It's not that difficult.


That is encouraging!

Can you give a high level overview of what is required?

You can use this thread or email direct: [email protected]

Is complete spar removal required?

Thanks Again!