Having flown an RV-3B around the pattern without a canopy, sure there is a lot of wind at 100 mph, but airplane did not appear to fly any differently without a canopy. And if properly prepared (helmet with face mask) it's hard to imagine that the missing canopy would be a factor. Might be tempting to fly a bit slower, but still does not make any sense.

Must have been some other cause.


Probably not a factor, but unless I?m mistaken (or there?s a mistake in the report) it was flying out of condition inspection (March 2018)...

Condolences to the family...
A couple of things I noticed.....
Aside from the canopy being missing,
The right tank was selected, and fuel was noted in the left tank. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Mixture lever was in idle cut off, and the throttle was full forward. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

[Semi-speculative text deleted; S. Buchanan]
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He was a friend of mine

I knew Joe well, and am familiar with his plane and his airstrip. He relied on me often to answer questions about his plane (this was his 2nd RV-4) and I wish he would have given me a call the day he lost his canopy in Camden.

>>Moderator edit: Speculative portions deleted IAW VAF Posting Rule #2. Please see VAF Posting Rules. Sid Mayeux<<

I am in NO WAY, an accident inspector, I just have that feeling. A very sad day indeed, a man who did much for this country lost way too soon. Joe was also at the OSH 40yr gathering (without his plane) and had such passion for the RV's. He is missed.
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Terrible tragedy.

Did anyone else think the pattern ground speeds were a little low? The only time I?m slowing to 55kts is on final to a short runway and complete with any maneuvering. Winds were light and variable on the ground so GS and IAS should be close.

Also, it concerns me that the rv-4 isn?t survivable with a 5 point harness and full face motorcycle helmet. I guess it depends if the crash is controllable or if it?s a stall spin, but what more can be done?
RV Survivability

Terrible tragedy... Also, it concerns me that the rv-4 isn?t survivable with a 5 point harness and full face motorcycle helmet. I guess it depends if the crash is controllable or if it?s a stall spin, but what more can be done?

RV's are actually very survivable, but not if you stall/spin/crash them into dense trees, etc. in 2005ish, an RV-6 in California dead sticked into a CA DOT parking lot and had a head on collision with a dump truck! Both pilot and PAX survived, but had lacerated foreheads from hitting the instrument panel glare shield cover. When they hit the truck head on, the shoulder harnesses worked as designed to absorb energy, with the result that the tail compressed together and when energy still needed to be shed, the double row of rivets that connect the cabin to the tail cone all sheared off, and allowed the tailbone to slide forwards; and that's when the pilot / PAX heads hit the glare shield. BL: don' stall...fly it to the ground and hit things there instead.

RV-3A restored / sold
RV-9A Mazda 13B / FWF
Terrible tragedy.

Did anyone else think the pattern ground speeds were a little low? The only time I?m slowing to 55kts is on final to a short runway and complete with any maneuvering. Winds were light and variable on the ground so GS and IAS should be close.

Also, it concerns me that the rv-4 isn?t survivable with a 5 point harness and full face motorcycle helmet. I guess it depends if the crash is controllable or if it?s a stall spin, but what more can be done?

Depending on how by the book an air speed indicator has its static line plumbed and where / what style the static ports are located, one might find a change in IAS with the canopy on vs no canopy.
Safety Tip

Depending on how by the book an air speed indicator has its static line plumbed and where / what style the static ports are located, one might find a change in IAS with the canopy on vs no canopy.

This brings up a good point. If one is faced with a lost canopy (or unlatched tip up) in flight and the plane is otherwise safely flyable, it would probably be wise to check the indicated stall speed at altitude before attempting to land to be sure there are no lurking surprises from static error or other aerodynamic effects.

Constant Speed Wood Prop?

Had to re-read it more than once, Throttle forward, Mixture and Prop controls back for engine shut-off.

Wood prop. Never seen a constant speed wood prop??? Typo?

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
The quadrant

The quadrant is the part that baffles me. Moderators took my comments out because I speculated (my bad, I apologize), so let me re-phrase. I know the plane he was in because I was going to ferry it home for Joe when he was buying it. I have pictures of the airplane inside and out (before the accident). I studied it since I was going to fly it. Fixed pitch wood prop, three lever quadrant. I don't know what the prop control was connected to if anything. I still pain over this accident because Joe was a friend.
fixnflyguy; Fixed pitch wood prop said:
Normally a 3 lever quadrant with a carb and a fixed pitch prop has a throttle, mixture and carb heat lever.

Normally each of the 3 knobs or lever grips have a diiferent shape on them so they can be identified by feel.

However, even high time pilots can make a mistake of pulling the mixture instead of carb heat. Ask me how I know.
Or with gloves on, pulling mixture at the same time you only intended carb heat application.
Add a face mask that might block or restrict your view, low hours, and low airspeed.

It is never easy to loose a friend.
Very sorry for your loss.
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