
Well Known Member
Just purchased the pitch and roll servos from GRT for my RV-4 and was curious how others have mounted pitch servos in their airplanes.

I bought a flying airplane which had a Navaid Devices AP before I rebuild the panel so there are already provisions for mounting the roll servo. But where to put the pitch servo stumps me. I'm assuming it'll go in the tailcone, behind the baggage area. And how exactly it will interact with the elevator push rod stumps me too.

Any Suggestions?! Thank you very much.
I guess I'm confused or maybe I should have been clearer.

Does the Garmin GSA 28 install manual have pictures of how a pitch servo is installed in a "typical" RV-4? I found the manual online and couldn't see anything -4 specific unless I missed it.

Does anyone have pictures of their installations so I might get or steal some ideas? :D

Dynon instructions

The Dynon instructions and kit are very good, and will work with the GRT servos.

I used a combination of all the instructions to understand what was happening, and I believe it worked out fine.


You will need to drill out some rivets - if you are not comfortable doing that, I strongly recommend you get a good local builder to help you, or use an airframe A&P you trust. This is not a good place to practice this for the first time.
Excellent! Thank you everybody. This website is truly great for knowledge that would otherwise take me awhile to find out on my own. Although... I'm a little embarrassed when SMRacer points out my exact install manual had a pic of an RV-4 install... I bought the servos and have been looking at them and brainstorming/conceptualizing and haven't bothered to look at the manual yet!!