
I'm New Here
I am looking for a little help in making the decision to see if an RV-4 is the right airplane to buy. The problem lies in the fact that Ive never flown in one. Its hard to make an investment into something that you have never flown. I wanted to see if there is anyone out there in my general area (Phoenix, AZ) that has an empty seat so that I can see if the airplane is what im looking for. I would pay for gas if you in turn would show me what an RV-4 is all about.

Jeremy Balentine
itk96 said:
I am looking for a little help in making the decision to see if an RV-4 is the right airplane to buy. The problem lies in the fact that Ive never flown in one. Its hard to make an investment into something that you have never flown. I wanted to see if there is anyone out there in my general area (Phoenix, AZ) that has an empty seat so that I can see if the airplane is what im looking for. I would pay for gas if you in turn would show me what an RV-4 is all about.

Jeremy Balentine
Hi Jeremy,

We have two RV-4s in our family. Well, I am rebuilding mine, but my wife has let me fly her RV-4 so far. :) Call me on my cell 623-261-2906 and I would be happy to meet you and show and talk if not give you a ride. (180 lb limit on rear passenger) I love the RV-4, however for cross country trips with 2 people and baggage, we are building a rv-6a.
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