
RV-4 question:
I'd like some tips on how others have organized an area around pilot's foot well.
Page 39, section A-A' of the plans shows aluminum soft tube near the bulkhead.
Should that tube get covered, or just left "exposed" behind that bulkhead?
Thank you.




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My first -4 had those lines per plans, exposed. No issues at all. My current plane does not have those lines. I coiled a few loops between the fuselage and the wing tank (like the rocket), thus far it is working well. I would do it again.
fuel vent area rv4

I know this is counter to Vans plans but the coiled vent works just fine and eliminates the aluminum tubing back in the cockpit. Works just fine in my 4 and in the rockets
Check out link listed below in Master Designs post. My link did not work.
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Is that foil insulation on the back ofne firewall have plastic in the middle? If so that will melt and fill the cockpit with nasty smoke if you have a fire in the engine compartment. There is a thread on this somewhere. Sorry to be critical but it is a safety thing.
Look at the drawing again

Those vent lines should be tucked in behind that bulkhead/former, not sitting flat on the fuselage wall like you have it. It will fit. I secured mine with wdg clamps.
Thank you everyone for suggestions!
Today after work I made it out to the plane to have a look. It seems there is enough clearance between tubes and rudder cables, but I think I'll go with "coiled tube" idea.

I also cut off a piece of that aluminized insulation and set is on fire... sure enough, it released fumes. Should I completely remove it or use something instead?
Perhaps Thermo-Tec Adhesive Insulation.
I have no insulation on the inside of the fuselage at all. I do have on thin layer of foil insulation on firewall that I got from Flyboys.