Scott Hersha

Well Known Member
I'm in the market for a flying RV4, and I have a question from those that know the difference and have experience, what is the opinion about long vs short landing gear on the RV4? I understand the reason that Vans went to the longer gear - improved prop clearance, and better 3-point landing attitude. From my perspective, it just looks better, but is that a reason to neglect an otherwise nice RV4 that's for sale? Those of you that have experience in both, what do you think? Most of the used RV4's I've seen online have Catto props (3 & 2 blade) with a prop length of about 68" so that doesn't seem to be a problem.

I know the change can be made from short to long, but that makes the purchase less appealing. I think it would cost $3-4,000.00. New engine mount and gear, plus the cowling to spinner fitting issues, and new fairings. Is that about right?

Thanks for your input.

When I was looking for an airplane I considered -4's along with -8's. I learned a lot about both.

In addition to the gear leg length, another aspect you want to to give serious consideration to are the firewall weldments on the -4.

There are two kinds - old and new. The old weldments had split flanges and were not as strong as the new design. I made the personal decision that I would not buy a -4 unless it had the new weldments.

That was for me - I'm sure you'll make the appropriate decision for yourself.

Can you tell us what your mission with the airplane is?

I'm currently flying the 2nd short legged -4 that I've owned. I flew the 1st one for a very short time with a 74" prop. Can be done (obviously), but absolutely no wheel landings. The original prop was a 72" Bernie Warnke. Never a problem until my partner in the plane tried a wheel landing at, I'm guessing, around 80 mph on a sloppy wet grass strip. He hit a soft spot & there was just enough 'grab' to get a tip on the ground.

I wouldn't hesitate to fly another 72" on my short leg -4, and I'm based at a grass strip.

Would I like the longer legs? Sure. But I certainly wouldn't let it be a deal breaker, if I found a nice one (I've done it twice...).


I don't think there's any actual info in the 1st post; the copy of the article is in the 4th post of that thread.
Short vs Long

Well ...I've had a short leg RV-4 (# 582 ) for 16 years now and flown both models a lot and other than the better look of the long legs , they fly and land exactly the same..

Mine had a Warnke 72'' when I got it and 2 Catto 3 Bladded after and either have never been a concern when landing on our grass strip ...

So it sure wouldn't be a deal breaker for me.

Just my $0.02

[email protected]
I've heard about the firewall weldment improvement and I've asked most of the sellers if they had them. Only a couple have made the change. One of my local formation buddies had them on his -4 and they were cracked and had to be changed - a pretty big job.
My mission with this airplane will be VFR, mostly local flights, formation and acro. Some cross country if the weather is nice and my wife isn't going. If she is going or the weather doesn't look good, we'll take the family truckster (182RG) that I just bought a share of. If I want to have fun (most flights), I'll take the RV. I sold my RV8 and bought into the 182 for my bride, but hope to have the best of both worlds as much as my budget will allow and the RV4 seems to be the most bang for the buck.
Hi Scott,
I've had 5 RV 4's, long and short gear.
You've seen a couple of them.
Feel free to give me a shout during the week while I'm at the shop.
I've heard about the firewall weldment improvement and I've asked most of the sellers if they had them. Only a couple have made the change. One of my local formation buddies had them on his -4 and they were cracked and had to be changed - a pretty big job.
My mission with this airplane will be VFR, mostly local flights, formation and acro. Some cross country if the weather is nice and my wife isn't going. If she is going or the weather doesn't look good, we'll take the family truckster (182RG) that I just bought a share of. If I want to have fun (most flights), I'll take the RV. I sold my RV8 and bought into the 182 for my bride, but hope to have the best of both worlds as much as my budget will allow and the RV4 seems to be the most bang for the buck.

Sounds like the -4 is the right airplane for you then. Especially since you are not interested two-up acro. Two-up cross country is possible with the 4 and many -4 owners do it just fine. But I found that for me, I'd be over the gross weight limits if I had a full weight in baggage and full fuel tanks. So I opted for the 8.

When I was looking for planes I did find several -4's with the new weldments.

Good luck in your search!