Nice job handling it & stopping in time. Apparently the RV4 with retractable gear wasn't as fortunate.
Hope you got more warning that it appeared. Looked like words were intended, but - parking took precedence.

Cool response on your part. Well done.
Looks pretty typical for Osh on 27. They routinely clear someone to turn in tight right in front of someone on a long final. Normally when they do this however the guy that does the cutting is cleared for the Green dot.

Very common to have 2 and sometimes 3 airplanes on the runway at the same time at Osh.
Thanks. What happened?

Date: 20-JUL-15
Time: 00:02:00Z
Regis#: N66PB
Aircraft Make:
Aircraft Model: RV4
Event Type: Incident
Highest Injury: None
Aircraft Missing:
Damage: Unknown
State: Wisconsin
Total Fatal: 0

Fatal Serious Minor None Unknown
Flight Crew 0 0 0 1 0
Cabin Crew 0 0 0 0 0
Passenger 0 0 0 0 0
Ground 0 0 0 0 0
Not sure if this was a factor, but from the notam:
"Turn base prior to reaching shoreline.
Do not continue past shoreline unless advised by ATC."
Great point Paige and I was aware of that but chose to follow the leader (white plane). I'm thinking the plane that I was following was fixated on flying the Notam to the point of cutting me off to do so. For the record, this was my second landing attempt. First time ended in a go around as I was never given a dot assignment or clearance to land. After voluntarily talking to the tower controllers today, that's not a huge deal and I could've just landed. I can't say I recommend flying to OSH for beginners. I've been flying this 4 for two years and can see how the situation could escalate very quickly. We landed Sat afternoon after holding for 45min for the mass Cessna arrival btw.
I was stuck behind a flight of 8 Ercoupes on 27. I was told to follow them. The controller repeatedly told them to pick up the pace and keep it tight. We ended up going past the shoreline on base. Whatever gets the job done and is safe is what is best at OSH.

Not sure if this was a factor, but from the notam:
"Turn base prior to reaching shoreline.
Do not continue past shoreline unless advised by ATC."

There is another post about the retract RV4 that states one gear collapsed after landing. Apparently the second time that has happened on that airplane.
Not very good for sure.

Not only did he cut you off but it appears that he was thinking about doing it again on the taxiway.

Always wanted to fly this RV7 i am building to OSH for bragging rights. Maybe NOT!

Good job on adjusting approach!

The best way to deal with Oshkosh for first timers is to arrive at the initial fix at whatever time the field opens on Sat or Sun. Most of the time there will be very little traffic.
Not only did he cut you off but it appears that he was thinking about doing it again on the taxiway.

Always wanted to fly this RV7 i am building to OSH for bragging rights. Maybe NOT!

Good job on adjusting approach!

The other guy was most likely totally overwhelmed himself and was just trying to follow instructions. He probably didn't see you on the ground or in the air. That stuff happens there. If you both landed without leaving parts on the runway it's all good.