
Well Known Member
My friend started an RV-4 kit about 15 years ago. He mostly finished the tail, and had much done on the wings when he decided to stop flying lessons, and quit working on the kit. It's been sitting in a storage locker ever since then, and now he wants to get rid of it. Today he loaded most of it up into a trailer and brought it by my house. I think he was hoping that I'd want it.

The problem is, I've been considering a 9A or 12. So it doesn't make sense for me to take his kit, other than as scrap pieces. But looking at what he's finished, it really does look well made to me.

So here's the deal, the pieces of his kit are available for free to anyone who wants to come and pick them up. He doesn't want to be bothered with the hassle of shipping, so it would have to be someone willing to drive to Orem, Utah to collect the stuff.

He's currently cleaning out his storage locker, so he says if there are no takers in a couple of weeks, it will all be taken to the recycling center as scrap aluminum.

Any takers?
Wow! I wish I lived closer to Utah and I was divorced (so I could build another airplane - my wife has said one airplane until I retire :(...)

That would be a good thing for a high school or some other young team or an EAA chapter to take on....
More information

I've checked with the builder for more information.

There is a mostly complete tail. No fiberglass work is done, and a few other things are not quite finished.

It turns out that he started with a complete wing kit, but some it seems like maybe half the wing assemblies he'd completed have already been picked from where he was storing them by person or persons unknown. I thought the stuff had been stored in a storage locker. It turns out it was stored in an enclosed trailer, and he needed the trailer, so he moved some of the assembled pieces outside near a warehouse, and those pieces are gone. There are still ribs, skins, and spars from the wings not yet assembled.

So I really wouldn't count on the wing kit - a significant part is missing. You'd have a challenge inventorying what was there and then ordering replacements.

If there really is interest, we'll move the stuff to my garage and take some pictures to try and help give a good picture of what's there, what's not, and the quality of work on the stuff that's already built.