
How much does your insurance cost per year? What companies do you suggest?

I'm looking at spending about $45k on the airplane. I am an experienced pilot with tailwheel time. No incidents, accidents, etc.... (knock on wood)

I was assuming about $1200.....
Mine is $965. BUT is nose wheel RV. $71K hull
Might be a good thread for all of us to compare rates though.
AOPA is the agency. Global writes the policy.
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Michelle @ NationAir is my broker.

Low 30's Hull. ~800/hrs CFI-I, though not active. Only had ~20/hrs TW at purchase, insurance required 5/hrs in type before coverage. STAAR Aviation is who the policy was through, ~$1400. Going into year two now with ~100/hrs in type, dropped to $1,100 with Global Aerospace.
How much does your insurance cost per year? What companies do you suggest?

I'm looking at spending about $45k on the airplane. I am an experienced pilot with tailwheel time. No incidents, accidents, etc.... (knock on wood)

I was assuming about $1200.....
Give Jennifer or Shanna a call at NationAir they can give you an estimate or an actual quote on the RV-4. Your tailwheel hours will be a big factor in the rate.
I went through AOPA, with Falcon as the underwriter.
$1,420. I had only 12 hrs tail wheel time, private pilot. pretty high coverage.
They said it would drop substantially after 100 hrs in type.
So far:35 -and loving it.

$1298/yr through EAA insurance (Nacora). $45K hull. $2,000,000 liability with 20 hrs TW time prior to purchase.
So far 17 hrs on my new to me 4 and having a blast!

Hard to imagine a really bad quote on these great planes of ours. $1200 first year on my -6a, and that includes my son flying solo as a student.
That's actually lower than I was expecting. If I can get it around $1000 per year I will be happy. I have all the powered ratings and quite a bit of TW (Pitts, Stearman, etc).

Thanks for all the info guys! I can't wait to get flying the -4! I think it will be a good airplane for my 14 year old to get started with flying as well.
Simply the best.

Had two prop stikes and they covered the expenses without question and raised my premium fairly without hassles.

Avemco on the other hand, denied renewing my insurance when I had a catastrophic engine failure (which was not my fault) in a Bonanza and had to put it into a field totaling the plane.

I'll never recommend them.
I pay $298 but this is for liability only. Global purchased through Falcon in Kerrville.

- Rick
RV-4 N999XS