
Well Known Member
Hi all!

As I've mentioned in other threads, I'm in the market for an RV-4 with very solid bones. Instrumentation can be limited as I will eventually work my way towards a glass panel.

So I've Read Van's article on buying a used RV, and searched this site for "Things to look out for when buying an already built RV-4" and found a number of them.

One of them mentions this:

"We went over all the RV 4 hotspots (elevator cracking, engine mounts,
slosh in the tanks etc.) and then moved on to price."

And I need to know what's included in that etc for "RV-4 Hotspots".

I've already read about the sloshed tanks issue. Never heard of elevator cracking problems!

What other items need to be looked at carefully that are specific to RV-4's?
What else is included in that mysterious "etc."?

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Thinner elevator skins....

Hi Saville,

The early -4s used skins that were 16 thousandths thick and after several hundred hours, hairline cracks would appear in the elevators. Very common. They would be stop drilled. Later on, thicker 20 thousandths skins were used and it appears to have stopped the cracks. Mine had the cracks and has been re-skinned with the thicker aluminum and appear to be doing great after several hundred hours. They always get a close inspection.

Also, you want a close inspection of the joinder of engine mount, gear with the fuselage at the firewall. That has been a problem area and is well discussed in this forum. Someone will probably join in soon. Russ McCutcheon manufactures engine mounts and has discussed this. Search his name for posts.

One thing, the -4 is fairly easy to check out. You are right, knowing what to look for will serve you well.

Best regards,
Here's a potential hotspot with the rudder pedals....
