Hey guys!! Just got my first plane and I am going to make some changes to it paint, prop ect. I didnt build the plane but i am a auto tech by trade and was wondering if there was any rv4 or just rv guys in the joplin MO area? I am painting the 4 like a p-51 and catto props is building me a 4 blade prop! should be cool. New to aviation so help would be great! thanks!! O yea i have a fuel leak in my left tank any ideas?
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Welcome to VAF!!!!

Vincent, welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D

I am way over on the left coast, so cant help you with finding local folks, but they will more than likely join in here soon.

Enjoy the 4..
Welcome, Vincent..

...The tanks are sealed with a substance called Proseal. It's fuel, oil and kerosene proof. It's mixed basically 10:1 and you buy it at a place called Aircraft Spruce and Specialty Co,

Here's the east coast phone number. 1 877 477 7823 or visit them on the internet.

You'll have to remove the tank and then locate the leak.

I'd suggest that you visit www.eaa.org and locate a nearby EAA chapter and ask the guys for assistance. The local airport probably has some A@P mechanics around who could steer you to a local source for a bit of proseal and how best to use it.

I'm close.....

Hey there,

I am in Independence KS. 'Bout an hour west of Joplin. Building a -4 in the garage.... PM me.


Glad to hear of another RV in that general area. My dad is in Fort Scott, Kansas. He is building a -7. He built his wing tanks last year. He said he would be more than willing to stop by and maybe see what is leaking on the tanks. I am currently in Texas finishing school, I have a an RV-6 project. I sent you a private message (pm) with a bit more info. Give me your info, and I can get you in touch with my dad.

Thanks!! Looking forward to flying it this spring. Im sending it to mena aircraft for paint. Any one have good or bad luck with them? I removed the tanks fuel was leaking pretty much all over the place. So im having Evens build me a new set of tanks. Since i have to have the plane to Mena in six weeks. No time to learn how to build the tank right now. Again thanks to every one!!!