
Well Known Member
Fellow Vanheads,

So got my weight and balance complete last night on my RV-4 Fastback and was quite happy with the results...I think! Curious how it compares with other RV-4, O-360, Hartzel CS prop Day/Night VFR combos out there. My W & B was done with a completely painted/finished airframe and all interior installed. I understand some do it pre-painted etc. Numbers are: 1034 lbs total empty weight with 48 lbs on the tail. My front seat is 3 1/2 inches further aft so was happy the tail empty weight was lighter than 'standard.'

If you've got comparison info, would like to hear!
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My plane came in at 1,073 lbs. with 48 lbs on the tail. 0-360 with Hartzell CS and Harmon Turtledeck. My front seat is 1" back at the top and 1/2" back at the bottom. Leather seats covered seats.

I think you're "right on".
Thanks for the numbers guys. My goal is 950-975 lbs. Catto 3 blade and 0320.
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That's good W & B news!

Thanks for the inputs, any more out there?

I'm glad to hear my tail weight was in the ball park. Working the weight and balance numbers, looks like I'll be OK with a variety of back seat weights, now just got to determine a correct 'gross weight for my purposes.

Now if I could just figure out this prop governor problem...arghhhhh!:confused: