Looks like SAR could get coordinates to find an aircraft, at least in this case since they were talking to JAX. I wonder if they used that info. Quite valuable for a search.

Sad outcome, RIP
Looks like SAR could get coordinates to find an aircraft, at least in this case since they were talking to JAX. I wonder if they used that info. Quite valuable for a search.

Sad outcome, RIP

After putting together an aerial SAR mission in Florida last years with five airplanes and video cameras pointing straight down, it is near impossible to find an airplane once it punches through the foliage. It turns out, the guy we were searching for was found 1.5 miles from the end of the departure airport and it wasn't until six months later when some guy on the ground stumbled upon the wreckage.

This would be easier because you know approximately where to look but I believe it would still be better to search on foot, horse back, or via 4x4.

My heart goes out to the family, may they find their loved ones quickly!